Last Updated: 31 May 2021 14:36 by ADMIN
Applies to all model-bound controls; Tree-list, etc..

Current data-annotation support includes validation.

Please include handling of the following attributes
- Display Name defaults for databound columns
- Text boxes and labels width based on max-length
- Display attributes
- auto-generation of drop-downs for enum datatypes and foreign keys
- readonly based on editable attribute

Last Updated: 31 May 2021 14:35 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Current RadGrid (Q3 2015) does supports model binding of master/detail records.

Request the functionality to set ItemType on the detail gridview and pass the master's datakey as the id for the detail select method.

Or, alternatively, if the model has a virtual IQuerable binding, set the detail view's datasource to the models virtual entity

For example, a model with a one to many relationship to the color options for a car:
Model Cars()
{ string name
int colorRange
virtual colorOptionsModel colorOptions
Model colorOptionsModel
int colorRange
 string colorName;

In the RadGrid:
<mastertable DataKeyName = "colorRange">
<DetailView datasource="Item.colorOptions">
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2015 16:56 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2014 08:32 by Nels
Created by: Nels
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
In a non Telerik 3rd-party tool we can export to Excel, and groups that have been defined will be rendered with group buttons in Excel that can be expanded and collapsed in the Excel spreadsheet. With Telerik when we export a RadGrid that has a user-defined group, there are no grouping expand/collapse buttons in the generated Excel spreadsheet.

Related Telerik Support ID: 758667

Last Updated: 16 Jan 2014 10:03 by Joel Kraft
I would like to see the RadGrid control have support for a global header and footer template row for the entire grid.

The header or footer would be rendered within a row inserted at the top or bottom of the grid, with styling consistent with the grid's skin.  It would actually be very similiar to CommandItemTemplate, but could be used with the default command rows and would apply to the very top and bottom of the grid, and not be part of the MasterTableView.  It would simply be to anchor something to the top or bottom of the grid with a consistent look, feel, and width of the rest of the grid.

<TELERIK:RadGrid Runat="server">
Whatever I want to put here would be placed in it's own row at the very top of the grid and it would be automatically styled consistent with the Grid's skin.  I could put controls in here and they would bubble through the grid (and it's AJAX functionality, if anything is enabled). 
<MasterTableView ... />
Same here, except it goes at the bottom of the grid.

In the example image I attached, the bottom row with "Primary Service Completed" is not actually part of the grid, but we used some CSS to make it look like it was... but that particular CSS is fragile if we ever changed the global skin on the site or for the Grid in particular.  That is what I might want to put in the FooterTemplate.
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2016 11:57 by Gidon
Created by: Gidon
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Please add the ability to have a GridHyperLinkColumn automatically UrlEncode the fields specified in DataNavigateUrlFields. Having to handle it in the code-behind is a pointless pain in the butt, especially when dealing with more than 1 field. It should be handled automatically during the application of the DataNavigateUrlFormatString format instead.
Last Updated: 13 Dec 2013 11:29 by Marc
Created by: Marc
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
We have to bind a Grid to a SQLDataSource with several columns that should be displayed and edited as a CheckBox column.

We've seen in your manuals that a GridCheckBoxColumn can be binded to a datafield with 'True' or 'False', but what about the fields that contains numerics 1 or 0 ?   

(SQLDataSource does not have a True/False column, so, the GridCheckBoxColumn is useless)

We've also seen a workarround with Templates, but when in edit mode, it is very tedious. 

In our opinion, it's a very common procedure to display numeric columns with Checkboxes. Do you plan to add this feature in new versions?

Thank you in advance.
Last Updated: 09 May 2016 14:06 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 18 Sep 2019 15:50 by ADMIN
I have NEVER seen a real world UI with a GridDropDownColumn in a Grid where you didn't want to save the ValueField of the GridDropDownColumn (ex. Product ID), but also wanted to display the TextField (ex. Product Name) as well as sort and filter by the TextField.  This functionality should be part of the grid and the default behavior for GridDropDownColumn.
Last Updated: 02 Oct 2019 14:01 by ADMIN
  1. Open your demo for Batch Editing: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/data-editing/batch-editing/defaultcs.aspx
  2. Add a new row
  3. Enter values
  4. Click on x to delete

Expected: the row disappears.

Actual result: nothing happens.



Last Updated: 31 Oct 2019 11:58 by ADMIN

Requesting the improvement of this functionality to include scrolling.


Brief summary of the issue:

MultiCell selection uses a virtual marque tool to select items and does not include items that are out of view.

Last Updated: 15 Oct 2019 10:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Pheath
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


It would be nice to be able to clear the filter for each column as opposed to creating an external button to clear all filters. I was thinking of similar to below.

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2019 11:52 by ADMIN

Assuming the following configuration for RadGrid:

  • RenderMode="Mobile"
  • AllowSorting="true"

Testing using a mobile device (e.g. Chrome in Galaxy Nexus)

Test case 1:

If I click on middle of three dots Icon, then RadGrid opens the options menu

Test case 2:

If I click a bit below of the three dots Icon, then RadGrid does a sort on the column automatically

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2019 11:45 by ADMIN
The problem happens when there is a visible insert row on the grid which gets replaced by an empty row in the exported Excel file. The temp solution is to clear the insert row with the code below and the empty row in the generated excel will be removed.

protected void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
    if(e.CommandName == RadGrid.ExportToExcelCommandName)
        // if there are items in edit mode, clear those
        if(RadGrid1.EditIndexes.Count > 0)
        // if insert item is present, cancel the insert form
        if (RadGrid1.MasterTableView.IsItemInserted)
            RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetInsertItem().FireCommandEvent("Cancel", "");

Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:11 by ADMIN

If paging is disabled and the PageSize is set to less than the number of records bound to RadGrid, client item templates are not all rendered correctly.


If PageSize is 10, and records bound to Grid are 15, then the first 10 records will have templates rendered correctly, while the rest of 5 records will not.

Last Updated: 07 Nov 2019 14:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeff
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

The column headings read by JAWS are not great. I see that the rendered table headings have an aria-label attributes, but the text of these labels appears to match the DataField attribute of the grid column. Unfortunately, the DataField is often not the same as the human readable text displayed on the column header. This provides an inconsistent and sometimes confusing experience for screen reader users.

For example, if my data field is named something like full_name_with_title, but my column heading is actually "Full Name," the user will hear fullunderlinenameunderlinewithunderlinetitle, but we'd like them to hear "Full Name". All those underlines are confusing.

It would be much better if Telerik used the HeaderText attribute of the column instead of the DataField attribute. This would ensure that the presentational text and not the internal column names were read to the user.

A temporary workaround can be using the following OnGridCreated handler:

function OnGridCreated(sender, args) {
    if (sender.get_enableAriaSupport()) {
        sender.get_masterTableView().get_columns().forEach(function (col) {
            var header = col.get_element();
            var headerText = (header.textContent || header.innerText).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
            header.setAttribute("aria-label", headerText);

Last Updated: 27 Mar 2015 08:52 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2020 10:10 by ADMIN

.hasChanges() results in records flagged for Delete to not actually get deleted when .saveChanges() executes.

I found the same behaviour on a LiveDemo example that checks .hasChanges(): Grid - Binding to Telerik ClientDataSource

Steps to reproduce:

  • Make any change to the first record, such as modifying the Contact Name.
  • On the second record, Click the "x" under the DELETE column to mark it for delete.
  • Click any column heading to sort.  (This calls a UserAction event handler that calls .hasChanges())
  • Choose to Cancel at the popup prompt.
  • Click "Save changes".
  • Monitor the browser console, you will find that webservice UpdateCustomers is called,  but DeleteCustomers is not.


Last Updated: 08 Dec 2020 14:22 by ADMIN

See online demo:



Steps to reproduce (seen in Chrome and Edge):

- Click the "x" on the 2nd to last record on page 1 to mark it for deletion  (Click "OK" at the prompt)

- Click "Add new record" button



 - the record marked for deletion moves up by one record (but fortunately it appears the correct record will actually get deleted upon Saving)

 - a blank new record is creating correctly


If you repeat this procedure but choose a different record for deletion you can see it is functioning correctly.


I am seeing the same behaviour in my own project.