The Filtering context menu is not positioned properly when there is not enough height. It is positioned depending on the top border of the window, making the filters not accessible. Screencast: Steps to reproduce: 1. Open 2. Resize the browser so the last elements of the Grid are not visible 3. Open the Filtering context menu Result: It is shown with too big negative top margin
If a column does not have width set, it will not populate the Columns collection of the ExportInfrastructure in the BiffExprorting event To be able to loop through all columns, you need to have width specified for them. This change has been introduced in Q3 2014 If you cannot do this for the standard grid rendering when defining columns, you can use the Grid.PreRender event to loop all columns and set some width for them: VB Protected Sub RadGrid1_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.PreRender 'workaround for BiffExporting event Columns collection not being populated if the column does not have width set Dim Grid As RadGrid = DirectCast(sender, RadGrid) If (Grid.IsExporting) Then For index = 0 To Grid.MasterTableView.Columns.Count - 1 Grid.MasterTableView.Columns(index).HeaderStyle.Width = 100 Next End If End Sub C# protected void RadGrid1_PreRender(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //workaround for BiffExporting event Columns collection not being populated if the column does not have width set RadGrid Grid = (RadGrid)sender; if ((Grid.IsExporting)) { for (index = 0; index <= Grid.MasterTableView.Columns.Count - 1; index++) { Grid.MasterTableView.Columns(index).HeaderStyle.Width = 100; } } }
For Bug Report : Note: We are using MM/dd/yyyy as Internal Date format to prevent issue while inserting or updating value. Steps to reproduce: When we use dd-MM-yyyy and yyyy-dd-MM Date DisplayFformat for RadDatePicker/RadDateTimePicker control as well as view mode in Radgrid Batch Edit mode it's render behaviour is inconsistent 1. When dd is less than or equal to 12 then while rendering in edit mode Month and Date is interchanged 2. When dd is greather than 12 then while rendering in edit mode Month and Date is rendered correctly.
A valid SQL statement should look like SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ([Discontinued] = 1) or SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ([Discontinued] = 'True') but RadGrid provides something like ([Discontinued] = True) in the MasterTableView.FilterExpression property. By default RadGrid filters the data on its own after retrieving the entire data set form the data source, and the filtering operation works like that. If you will be using the filter expression provided by the grid in a custom data source operation you may need to tweak the string first. Note that changing this may result in a breaking change if you are already using the current syntax. Workaround:
You would get something like (([createddate] >= '01/08/2017,00:00:00') AND ([createddate] <= '14/08/2017,23:59:59')) while you should get something like (([createddate] >= '01/08/2017 00:00:00') AND ([createddate] <= '14/08/2017 23:59:59')) so that the SQL syntax is valid. RadGrid, does not send the FilterExpression to the SqlDataSource, however. It executes the SELECT statement and then filters the resulting data on its own. This works fine. If you will be performing operations yourself, you could use a string operation before passing the filter expression. For example: protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression)) { if (this.RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression.Contains("createddate")) { this.RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = this.RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression.Replace(",", " "); } DataView dv =GetData("select * from [myTable] where ", this.RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression); //where you would need to have something like (([createddate] >= '01/08/2017 00:00:00') AND ([createddate] <= '14/08/2017 23:59:59')) this.RadGrid1.DataSource = dv; } } Note that implementing such a change may break existing code that relies on the current syntax that contains the comma.
If the selection mode of the Grid is different than row selection, no cell of the detailed grid gets selected. The bug is introduced with version 2016 R3 SP1 Steps to reproduce: 1. Run the following demo locally 2. and add this configuration: <telerik:RadGrid ...> <ClientSettings> <Selecting CellSelectionMode="SingleCell" /> </ClientSettings>
Simply add a Column to RadGrid in the GridColumn Collection Editor of the Configuration wizard. You will note that a value for FilterControlAltText is autopopulated. When you hit Ok, that value is written in the column definition, in markup. If you clear that text in the editor, then, in markup you will find the value FilterControlAltText ="". This is useless clutter, which you should manually remove from the markup. The editor/designer should remove the property entry from markup if you clear the FilterControlAltText from the PropertyGrid in the GridColumn Collection Editor.
A workaround is to access the column and replace the text of the cell with a <label> control. Examples are attached below
The manually entered value of RadDateTimePicker is replaced with the original one in Batch Edid mode in iPad. To reproduce this incorrect behavior add a new <telerik:GridDateTimeColumn HeaderText="Start Date" UniqueName="StartDate" DataField="StartDate" DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"> </telerik:GridDateTimeColumn> column in the Batch Edit demos of RadGrid and test under iPad. Tap over RadTextBox, enter some new date and press Go/tap out and you'll see the problem.
Hi Could we have an "export to excel functionality" in "rad grid" to a "predefined formatted excel file". So my excel exported file wont loose the formatting. Thanks
To overcome this issue you can do the following: - For anchor links (a) implement onclick event with window.location. - For submit buttons set UseSubmitBehavior property to false.
The navigation icons are not readable in mobile Grid in MetroTouch. Video: Steps to reproduce: 1. Open this demo: Result: the Navigation icons are white
Th header context menu of the Grid gets closed on click (select/deselect a column) if the Grid is initially scrolled horizontally. Video: Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the Live Demos solution for "UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2017" in VS2015; 2. Open the page "UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2017\Live Demos\Grid\Examples\Functionality\Scrolling\scrolling\DefaultCS.aspx"; 3. Enable the HeaderContextMenu by setting EnableHeaderContextMenu="True" in the tag telerik:RadGrid; 4. Disable the column freezing. 5. Run the Demo and open the page "Grid\Examples\Functionality\Scrolling\scrolling\DefaultCS.aspx"; 6. Scroll the horizontal scrollbar of the grid to the right; 7. Right click on the column header and pick the Columns from the context menu; 8. Select or unselect any column, the Column Chooser will close by itself; 9. Now, scroll the horizontal scrollbar of the grid all the way to the left; 10. Right click on the column header and pick the Column Chooser from the context menu; 11. Select or unselect any columns, the Column Chooser won't close by itself.
Workaround for the NextPrevAndNumeric mode is to set the AssociatedControlID of the label protected void RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is GridPagerItem) { GridPagerItem pager = e.Item as GridPagerItem; Label lbl = pager.FindControl("ChangePageSizeLabel") as Label; Panel pnl = lbl.Parent as Panel; RadComboBox combo = pnl.FindControl("PageSizeComboBox") as RadComboBox; lbl.AssociatedControlID = combo.ID; } } <telerik:RadGrid RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" AllowSorting="True" AllowPaging="True" GridLines="None" Width="100%" OnItemDataBound="RadGrid1_ItemDataBound"> <PagerStyle Mode="NextPrevAndNumeric" Position="TopAndBottom" PageSizeControlType="RadComboBox"></PagerStyle> </telerik:RadGrid> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, PostalCode FROM Customers" runat="server"></asp:SqlDataSource>
Would be nice to have RadGrid offer the feature to have options to Merge Cells with same contents so the report/grid won't be so busy. Users typically expect this kind of look and feel. Example & code included: This ticket discussed it also: 1091013 Others in forums asked about this also in the past since about 2009, if we google on: telerik grid merge cell. . Then I found this link among the results from google. Though, I wish there are RowMerge and ColumnMerge properties in RadGrid for us to turn it on/off. That will be wonderful. This example is also from the following link from the same google search result, the first link. Thanks.
radgrid exporttoexcel and all exports (word, pdf, csv, excel) should be able to export to file on server without the browser also sending the file to the client.