There is an OnClientTimeSlotClick event that fires if the user clicks in a single time slot. If the user clicks in one time slot and drags to select multiple time slots before releasing the mouse button no event is fired. It would be useful if the existing event was fired in this case, or another event was added to fire in this case.
We'd like to control how simultaneous appointments are displayed. It would be nice if the appointments are shown above eachother, as it were layers with transparancy. If that's not possible than we'd like to control the placing of the appointments. For example the appointments in order of priority from left to right.
When setting ResourceMarkerType to "Bar" or "Block" on the AgendaView mode of the Scheduler, it would be useful if the marker would show the background and border colors that were specified in the ResourceStyleMapping section of the scheduler. As it is now, it only takes the css class that was assigned to the resource type. In our application the user can specify any color for each resource type using a colorpicker.
When calling Telerik.Web.UI.RecurrenceRule.TryParse and it returns false - there is no way to know what is actually wrong with the rule to parse. Perhaps a Parse( ) method is also provided that will throw an exception with details of what is wrong with the specified string recurrence rule.
The managed API has been out for a couple years now and is accepted as the way to use EWS vs the proxy class now.
Dear Sir, I used telerik:RadScheduler with Exchange Scheduler Provider. I am successfully connected to Exchange server and also I able to display data on scheduler form exchange But problem is how can i refresh scheduler data real time? My requirement is if meeting cancel or new Meeting at the same time scheduler update the information on display. Below code ios for your reference. ExchangeSchedulerProvider provider1 = new ExchangeSchedulerProvider(@"", "user name", "Password", "Domain", ""); Thanks,
In a RadScheduler with a custom provider (inheriting from SchedulerProviderBase), there is no way to get "expanded" appointments (i.e. masters plus occurrences minus exceptions). I devised a solution (as suggested in, using the Occurrences property of RecurrenceRule: public IEnumerable<Appointment> GetExpandedAppointments(RadScheduler owner, DateTime start, DateTime end) { var result = new List<Appointment>(); foreach (Appointment a in this.GetAppointments(owner)) { // see if (a.RecurrenceState == RecurrenceState.Master) { RecurrenceRule parsedRule; RecurrenceRule.TryParse(a.RecurrenceRule, out parsedRule); parsedRule.SetEffectiveRange(start, end); int nc = 0; foreach (DateTime occurrence in parsedRule.Occurrences) { Appointment app = a.Clone(); app.ID = a.ID + "_" + ++nc; app.Start = occurrence; app.End = occurrence.Add(a.Duration); app.RecurrenceRule = null; app.RecurrenceParentID = a.ID; app.RecurrenceState = RecurrenceState.Occurrence; result.Add(app); } } else if (a.RecurrenceState != RecurrenceState.Occurrence) { result.Add(a); } } return result; } } I think this functionality can be part of SchedulerProviderBase, there is no custom logic. Thanks Regards Mauro
Currently the RadScheduler is capable of binding to a web service, as described at This functionality requires the creation of a web service and custom provider classes. Please create an option to bind directly to the Sharepoint Lists.asmx web service with client side mark-up identifying the calender and the view to be displayed. This will require authenticaiton either by pass-through, anonymous user account, or a specified service account.
Something prevents the timeslotcreated event from firing when the advanced form is shown and therefore all the customizations that are done within timeslotcreated event are not in effect until advanced form is closed. For example you can see different background color/image on January 1st on the attached "Capture1.png" picture, but as soon as I open the advanced form, for create/edit, those css settings are gone (see attached "Capture2.png" picture) until I close the form. You would think that this is a pretty big bug that needs to be resolved. Thanks.
Functionality requested by a prestigious customer (AIRBUS).
Reminders popup outside the page that the scheduler is used. Because re-adding the same scheduler in many pages is very bandwidth consuming so what about creating a minified scheduler control for reminders so the user will be reminded in all pages about events.
Hello It would be good to have the calendars grouped vertically and to have the time displayed horizontally. Please see attached screenshot Regards Peter
I'm using RadScheduler with TimelineView, i have ExactTimeRendering and it shows the appointments clear. Since i have the slots with 12hours, i want to adjust an extra hour, but when i resize it always adjust an extra 12hours. Would be very helpfull to had a property to allow exactappointment drag, so i can resize 1 extra hour instead of 12. Something similar like in radgrid, when resize columns it shows me how much pixels, in this case i want it to show the time.
Having the ability to customize the scheduler toolbar (or header) via template will increase its flexibility. In addition it will allow for rendering improvements while maintaining backward compatibility via the templates. While it may seem like a straightforward task, it requires at least: * extracting toolbar commands to be callable from client code * the ability to iterate trough the currently viewable views to set the buttons (to match the userselectable property) * per button setting ala ListBox button settings
In Plamen indicated a feature request was created to implement CRUD via ODatabinding for the RadScheduler control but I can't find it. Currently it's read-only but we really would like to be able to maintain appointments as well via OData because we already have that API available in our product. This way we don't have to build\maintain a new web service.