Last Updated: 28 May 2021 14:41 by ADMIN
Feature Request: Add the ability to RadScheduler to set start and end time for each day-of-week and off days for a week, month, year. 

Serverside and Clientside.
Last Updated: 28 May 2021 14:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Michael Rogers
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
The managed API has been out for a couple years now and is accepted as the way to use EWS vs the proxy class now.
Last Updated: 28 May 2021 14:39 by ADMIN
When the start date of a series is changed, the exceptions from the series (like when deleting an occurrence) are moved along with the series. This is not always the expected behavior, because in some cases the exceptions should stay in place (because they are holidays for example). It is also an issue because the users don't understand why some exceptions have disappeared, or why other exceptions have appeared.
I would suggest that the end user be presented with an option to: keep the exceptions in place, move the exceptions or delete the exceptions (like Outlook does) when he changes the start date.
If the exceptions should be handled the same way always, the developer could specify the handling way, and then the user would not be alerted.
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2022 10:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Plamen
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022 14:43 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 19 Aug 2015 13:08 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 19 Oct 2015 06:53 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 26 May 2021 20:17 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Currently the RadScheduler is capable of binding to a web service, as described at http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/scheduler/web-service-binding/overview. This functionality requires the creation of a web service and custom provider classes.

Please create an option to bind directly to the Sharepoint Lists.asmx web service with client side mark-up identifying the calender and the view to be displayed.

This will require authenticaiton either by pass-through, anonymous user account, or a specified service account.

Last Updated: 04 Dec 2020 10:39 by ADMIN
Created by: Dan
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 05 May 2015 08:32 by ADMIN
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022 14:49 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 13:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Minculescu
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
When setting ResourceMarkerType to "Bar" or "Block" on the AgendaView mode of the Scheduler, it would be useful if the marker would show the background and border colors that were specified in the ResourceStyleMapping section of the scheduler.
As it is now, it only takes the css class that was assigned to the resource type.
In our application the user can specify any color for each resource type using a colorpicker.
Last Updated: 13 Nov 2017 16:08 by Gregg
This doesn't work: apt.Description = DescriptionText.Text;
Last Updated: 10 Mar 2015 10:01 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2015 14:12 by Elena
Created by: Rahul
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report
We are trying to Add Border for the current date in the RadScheduler using OnTimeSlotCreated event with the following code:

                e.TimeSlot.Control.Style.Add("border-left", "solid 1px !important");
                e.TimeSlot.Control.Style.Add("border-right", "solid 1px !important");
                e.TimeSlot.Control.Style.Add("border-right-color", "Red !important");
                e.TimeSlot.Control.Style.Add("border-left-color", "Red !important");

This is causing a shift to the appointments , please see screenshot.
Telerik Version: 2014.3.118.40, IE 9.0.

Ccan you suggest if there is any other way to add border or we need to upgrade the controls to a newer version?


P.S I found similer unresolved issue at:
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2015 15:03 by ADMIN