Hello, jquery has two deployment versions -- development, which is ~280k, and production, which is minified down to ~90k. Deploying the non-minified version to production is a waste of almost 200k of unnecessary data. There should be a configuration setting (either in RadScriptManager or in web.config; web.config preferred) for specifying that the production (minified) version is desired. thanks, matt
Due to this problem end-users cannot manipulate the newly added areas and use the dialog properly. A possible workaround is to force the IE10 compatibility mode of the browser by adding the following meta tag in the head element of the page. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10">
Based on customer feedback: * Place RadTabStrip in fluid container; * Set alignment to "justify" * Resize the parent container The last item will occasionally drop.
The multiline textbox should increase its high while the user types, after the currently available space if fulfilled. Like in Facebook "What's on your mind " textbox
Rather than relying on pure javascript to instantiate a Map, which some developers way struggle with, introduce a map control that has server side functions (as well as client side) to select areas, geo-code, and add markers. Add the features contained in http://www.telerik.com/products/wpf/map.aspx Also, to be able to databind to a collection, specifying a LatitudeDataValue, and LongitudeDataValue and DisplayMemberValue which describes the Lat/Lng and marker names, without the need for client JS! Would love to see the heatmaps implemented in particular.. Any other takers??
New control that can create / read / write PDF documents similar to "removed by admin"
In the same way that ASP.NET MVC wrappers are supported...
This bug causes incorrect user behavior. Lists cannot be disconnected with Enter, in some cases user cannot add multiple empty paragraphs. For the time being you can resolve the issue by incorporating the following JS code block: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> var setCursorFn = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils._setCursorInNode; Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils._setCursorInNode = function (cursorElement, container, editor) { setCursorFn.call(this, cursorElement, container, editor); if ($telerik.isChrome) { var selection = editor.getSelection(); var range = selection.getRange(); if (!range.collapsed) { range.collapse(); selection.selectRange(range); } } } </script>
In case where RadButton is set as DefaultButton to the form or a panel and should trigger validation it does not PostBack the page regardless if the page is valid or not
Button single click becomes disabled permanently if a validation error is detected. After satisfying the validator conditions the button doesn't get enabled and it is not possible to post back the page.