The dragging clue element is shown before the actual dragging of the element in the Grid is initiated (immediately after the item is clicked). The problem is reproducible in Chrome. Comment: The problem is not reproducible in the following TreeView demo: Steps to reproduce: 1. Open 2. Click over an item (just mouse-down, without moving the mouse nor full click) Result: The dragging clue is shown without actual moving of the mouse pointer
Cursor is placed in the next available element (e.g., <p>) instead of being placed right after the tab space in the same paragraph. Possible workaround is to implement a custom command to be triggered with tab key press: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["MyInsertTab"] = function (commandName, editor, oTool) { var utils = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils; var selecedElm = editor.getSelectedElement(); var blockElm = utils.isBlockElement(selecedElm) ? selecedElm : utils.getBlockParent(selecedElm); var executeDefaultCommand = utils.isList(blockElm) || utils.isTag(blockElm, "LI") || utils.isTag(blockElm, "TD") || utils.isTag(blockElm, "TH"); if (executeDefaultCommand) {"InsertTab"); } else { editor.pasteHtml("<span> </span>​", commandName); } }; function OnClientLoad(editor, args) { var shortcutManager = editor.get_shortCutManager(); // Removing the InsertTabMozilla shortcut will // assure that in Firefox the behavior will be consistent with IE. shortcutManager.removeShortCut("InsertTabMozilla"); editor.addShortCut("MyInsertTab", "TAB"); } </script>
Workaround: <telerik:RadEditor ID="radEditor1" runat="server" EnableTrackChanges="true" TrackChangesSettings-CanAcceptTrackChanges="true"> <Content> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>test</td> <td>test</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>test paragraph</p> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($T) { var prototype = $T.Editor.DefaultToolAdapter.prototype; var onContextMenu = prototype.onContextMenu; prototype.onContextMenu = function (e) { var editor = this.get_editor(); if (!editor.get_enableTrackChanges()) { return, e); } if (!this._contextMenusEnabled || editor.get_mode() != $T.EditModes.Design) { return; } this.createContextMenus(); var element = editor.getSelectedElement() || e.srcElement; var contextMenus = this._contextMenus; var contextElement = $T.Editor.Utils.getElementParentByCondition(element, function (node) { return !!contextMenus[node.nodeName]; }); var contextMenuId = contextElement ? contextElement.nodeName : "*"; var parentTrackChangeEl = $T.Editor.TrackChangesUtils.findTrackChangesParentElement(element); if (parentTrackChangeEl) { if (parentTrackChangeEl.Type == $T.Editor.TrackChangesElementType.Comment) contextMenu = this.createContextMenuWithTrackChangeCommentItems(contextMenuId); else contextMenu = this.createContextMenuWithTrackChangeItems(contextMenuId); } else { contextMenu = this.createContextMenuWithTrackChangeDefaultItems(contextMenuId) || contextMenus[contextMenuId]; } if (contextMenu) { contextMenu.set_eventObject(e);; } return $telerik.cancelRawEvent(e); }; })(Telerik.Web.UI) </script>
The error is "Wrong Document". The dialog creates the table from different document instead of the document of the RadEditor's content area. Here is the workaround: <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.InsertTableLight.prototype.getModifiedTable = function(tableToModify){ var rowCount = parseInt(this._rowsCount.value, 10); var colCount = parseInt(this._colsCount.value, 10); if (!tableToModify && !(isNaN(rowCount) || isNaN(colCount))) { tableToModify = this._editor.get_document().createElement("table"); this._originalRowsCount = 0; this._originalColsCount = 0; } if (!tableToModify) return; var originalRowsCount = this._originalRowsCount; var originalColsCount = this._originalColsCount; if (rowCount > 0 && rowCount != originalRowsCount) { rowCount > originalRowsCount ? this.addRowsCols(tableToModify, originalRowsCount, rowCount, true) : this.removeRowsCols(tableToModify, originalRowsCount, rowCount, true); } if (colCount > 0 && colCount != originalColsCount) { colCount > originalColsCount ? this.addRowsCols(tableToModify, originalColsCount, colCount, false) : this.removeRowsCols(tableToModify, originalColsCount, colCount, false); } this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "align", this._alignmentSelectorTable.getAlign()); var oSpacing = parseInt(this._cellSpacing.value, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(oSpacing, 10))) this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "cellSpacing", oSpacing >= 0 ? oSpacing : "", (oSpacing >= 0)); var oPadding = parseInt(this._cellPadding.value, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(oPadding, 10))) this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "cellPadding", oPadding >= 0 ? oPadding : "", (oPadding >= 0)); var oBorderWidth = parseInt(this._borderWidth.value, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(oBorderWidth, 10))) this._setAttribValue(tableToModify, "border", oBorderWidth >= 0 ? oBorderWidth : "", (oBorderWidth >= 0)); return tableToModify; } </script>
Enabling Fluid behavior of RadEditor (Width="100%") causes the tools not to collapse with a smaller view-port. Also, there are some further visual glitches with the toolbar. Solution 1: Add a CSS rule to expand the height of the tool-groups automatically. .<SkinName>.reToolbar { height:auto !important; } Solution 2: Enable Lightweight rendering (or Auto). <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" Skin="Silk" RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" Width="100%" > </telerik:RadEditor>
It is design limitation. The format is not not applied because the context menu is single for all columns, but each column can have different format. The DateInput inside the filter menu can not have multiple formats at the same time.
A rad calculator picker for textboxes similar to what you have in Silverlight.
When end-user changes the font-name and size of a single word in the content, pressing spacebar resets the formatting to its default state. Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to; 2. Remove all content and add a simple sentence, e.g., "some text"; 3. Highlight "text"; 4. Change font-name and size; 5. Put the cursor right after "text" 6. Press spacebar (add white space) 7. Type another word.
GridDragDropColumn cannot be dragged when added to a dynamically created Grid. The issue can be reproduced with the following code: override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e) { RadGrid gr = new RadGrid(); gr.ID = "testGrid"; gr.AutoGenerateColumns = false; gr.NeedDataSource += gr_NeedDataSource; GridDragDropColumn columnDrag = new Telerik.Web.UI.GridDragDropColumn(); columnDrag.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Pixel(40); columnDrag.HeaderText = "Drag"; fileExplorer.Grid.Columns.Add(columnDrag); //gr.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(columnDrag); gr.ClientSettings.AllowRowsDragDrop = true; gr.ClientSettings.Selecting.AllowRowSelect = true; Page.Controls.Add(gr); }
Despite the fact that keyboard support is not supported with RadEditor, JavaScript error should not be thrown in such a situation. You can workaround this by following this example code to override the method related to the error: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" EnableAriaSupport="true"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.EditorDropDown.prototype.hide = function () { if (this._popupBehavior) this._popupBehavior.hide(); this._popupVisible = false; //Notify controller that tooltip was hidden this._getPopupVisibilityController().notifyPopupClosed(this); //Notify listeners for the dropdown being hidden this.raiseEvent("hide"); if (this._popupBehavior && this.get_enableAriaSupport()) this._popupElement.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); }; </script>
The issue is due to failing recalculation logic of the iframe content area. To resolve the issue you can use a RadEditor control with ContentAreaMode="Div" to render the content area as a DIV element, instead iframe. If the iframe mode is needed, you can use the following workaround to fix the content cell and the iframe appearance. <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" height="50px" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"> <Tools> <telerik:EditorToolGroup> <telerik:EditorTool Name="Bold" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="Italic" /> <telerik:EditorTool Name="Underline" /> </telerik:EditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientLoad(editor, args) { setTimeout(function () { var editorIframe = editor.get_contentAreaElement(), originalIframeHeight = editorIframe.offsetHeight, contentCell = editorIframe.parentNode, cellSize = contentCell.offsetHeight, isCellSmaller = (originalIframeHeight - cellSize) > 2; if (isCellSmaller) { = originalIframeHeight + "px"; } }, 0); } </script>