Last Updated: 11 Mar 2014 13:01 by Chris
IMPROVE: RadCalendar and RadDatePicker to be localizable using GlobalResources
Last Updated: 08 Oct 2014 12:24 by ADMIN
Like control ProgressBar in WinForms.
Last Updated: 19 Nov 2014 12:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Matt
Comments: 5
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
Note: in this post, I will suggest a new framework (a new Telerik product), not really a new Control. However, Telerik support asked me to post this here anyway. I would really like to hear from you what you think about it. 

Dear Telerik Team,

as consultant for one of Europe's largest telecommunication providers, I am constantly involved in projects that require Intranet-GUI's that can easily call Web-Services.

Your RAD controls are great for building appealing Intranet-GUI's.
And your OR-Mapper makes it easy to bind the RAD controls to data sources.

But what is missing is an equally simple way to use Services as data source or data target of web guis. (See for an example of how that could look like)

Here's a very, very typical example of a normal project I am currently involved in:

Application: "Obtaining and enriching information from an external credit agency"
Here's how that is supposed to work:

1. A user enters data about a new customer
2. The user clicks an "identify" button
3. This action leads to the following actions:
      * An internal customer identification service is being called using the data the user has previously entered
      * If that service cannot identify that customer with sufficient hit quality, an external identification service is being called - using the previously entered data again.
      * The result set is being displayed to the user (grid)
4. the user chooses the item that represents the customer whose data he entered
5. He clicks another button
6. This action leads to this:
      * The external credit agency is called via web service
      * When it returns the requested information, 3 more services are being called to enrich that information
      * Another service or mapper is called to package all that information into 1 neat XML package
      * That XML package is being stored in a database
7. The Web-GUI renders the content of that XML package and displays the resulting report.

This is only one of many projects that work similarly.

And it should be possible to build a basic prototype of this without a single line of code.

There should be a web service framework which does to web services what your OR mapper does to databases: make it easy to work with data and make it easy to use that with RAD controls. But I am not aware of such framework. Are you?

If not, I would like to suggest that you build it.

That framework should make it possible to visually import and edit WSDL files, visually transform data so it can be used by RAD controls, and bind their request/response data to RAD controls.

There are some companes (INTREXX, TIBCO) that seem to go into that direction - but they are not quite there yet.

I am sure that in a service-oriented world, it should be a piece of cake to make an intranet GUI able to consume Services without coding.

Thank you very much
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2014 09:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Hossein
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
I think Telerik missing and OCR control to be complete set. We used Telerik for our web development and recently there was a project that we need to OCR the uploaded document. We would like telerik to be one stop shop for development tools and don't go around to find complimentary controls for OCR. So my suggestion is to add OCR control(s) 

Last Updated: 26 Jul 2021 10:44 by ADMIN
Created by: Jason
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request


Respectfully recommending a guide feature for new users for our Application (Something similar to what this website does Users can essentially step through controls we have on the page and we have a small verbiage/info for them that is easily digestible. 

Would help tremendously on onboarding new users and documenting new features. 

Last Updated: 18 Apr 2022 14:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Fawad
Comments: 2
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
It would be useful to add a functionality to existing Input control or create a new control which will allow users to use touch screen pen to write text. The control should automatically convert the handwriting into simple string text (NOT Image) using OCR or something else.
Last Updated: 21 Apr 2022 08:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Marin Bratanov
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
At present, when a Telerik product is installed via an automated installer (WebInstaller or a downloaded MSI package), a shortcut to it is added on the desktop.

This feature should be optional, e.g., via a checkbox during the installation wizard.
Last Updated: 15 Jun 2021 07:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Curtis
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
I don't know what you call this button but it is a crossover between a drop down list/mega menu and a button.

Very simple example:
Google's "More" button across the top next to News/Videos/Maps and then there is the "More" button with the other options.

Next example:
Your site! The skin selecting drop down:

The option for a full fluid width like this would be nice along with the possibility of a fixed or fitted width. I also really like the animated arrow up/down.

But the mega menu example is Amazon:

Their buttons/drop downs in the top right for "Your Account", "Try Prime", "Cart", and "Wish List".

These are beautiful and would be great functionality. It would also be ideal if the button/link itself that triggers the drop down doesn't have styles like the skins so they can easily be integrated into a website's existing navigational items and site design.

Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 13:16 by ADMIN
Created by: MikeK
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
A new control that would respond to dynamic or highly relational data by showing relations to nodes would be extremely useful. Two examples are linked below: and 

The two examples show basic nodes and the ability for the end user to move through data to focus on specific data points and the map changes to show the relations stemming from that position. 

What would be useful to include would be the ability to define the points by some sort of type, and to colorize the points and/or connectors. The Telerik Diagram and Org Charts have a very basic type of relation - but are insufficient to map to the level of the examples.

Where we would like to use this would be to map our software and services. Linking all dependencies and allowing a dynamic view of these would be extremely helpful. Our other business processes would most likely follow this example, where we could map our members to their services and costs, and rotate in on specific areas where we could focus on cost improvements.
Last Updated: 07 Apr 2016 14:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Vessy
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
RadToolTipManager cannot find custom embedded skin, when a custom skin DLL is created with the Skins assembly builder (

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a custom skin and wownload ZIP from Visual Style Builder (
2. Upload ZIP to Skins Assembly builder (
3. Create new project with Telerik template, turn off all options (like additional skins).
4. Add downloaded DLL as project reference.
5. Add to web.config:  <add key="Telerik.Skin" value="My_Skin" />
        <add key="Telerik.EnableEmbeddedSkins" value="true" />
        <add key="Telerik.EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet" value="true" />
        <add key="Telerik.Web.SkinsAssembly" value="My_Skin"/>
6. In Default.aspx, add
      <telerik:RadToolTipManager runat="server"></telerik:RadToolTipManager>

Result: an Internal Server Error is thrown:
Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTipManager with ID='ctl03' was unable to find an embedded skin with the name 'My_Skin'. Please, make sure that the skin name is spelled correctly and that you have added a reference to the Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll assembly in your project. If you want to use a custom skin, set EnableEmbeddedSkins=false.
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2016 10:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Joana
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
This feature will allow users to set long footer's text and it will be displayed on a single line.

<ExportSettings><Pdf><PageFooter><<MiddleCell Text="This is a very long footer that gets split to two lines" /></PageFooter></Pdf></ExportSettings>
Last Updated: 29 Oct 2014 12:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Brett
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
In an effort to better promote Client-Side development that leverages your API, I recommend you update your demos that capture and log events (such as to behave and act more like the Web Developer Console logging of objects (treenode). 

You could put a control together on the page, but I was thinking at the very least you could just add the console.log lines on these demos.. 

Also, I did a page recommendation on one of your documentation pages that covered clients side events on RadTextBox (I believe).. An event capturing demo that doesn't link to Telerik's EventArgs is kind of pointless to me.. but it would seem there isn't much documentaion in this area. So console logging the event args is just about the best way to review them.
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2017 14:55 by Daniel
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 2
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
Please add support for JQuery 3.x to Telerik ASP.NET for AJAX.  I am able to integrate Telerik into a nice Bootstrap dashboard, but the jquery versions are no compatible.  Telerik is further behind on the jQuery version.
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2019 16:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Suwandi
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
i have a feature request

- Image map input

Based mapify,js sample below :

I have use it before, storing areas and values in the databases, but the output is hyperlink.

I want it as input control that have selectedvalue property, i want server side value as the result. Maybe i can borrow hiddenfield or something. But it's wasting time.

Please, add image control input into your collection. It's very usefull i guess.
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 15:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Doug
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
An existing control looks like
Where this control would allow you to express the UI of the aggregated feed data, where as the  feeds from RSS or  LinkedIn, YouTube etc can be sorted, grouped, stared or shared. 
So ideally feeds can be added at run time. Personal settings could be saved using existing tooling.
The ideal solution would allow the end user to customize their feeds.
Ideally it would degrade well onto a mobile  interface so you can flick thru all the feeds, flick to the left or right to dismiss or save. This is a bit more KendoUI
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2018 21:45 by Brad
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 11:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Ianko
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET AJAX
Type: Feature Request
The image constrain tool in the image properties dialog is loaded as disabled by default. Mostly users easily can enable it the whole time, but the better user experience is this tool to be enabled by default. This way the user will be able directly to manipulate the image size without breking the correct proportions. 
Last Updated: 18 Jun 2020 14:12 by ADMIN
I am using the "PostbackTriggers" property of the Upload control, as described on your web site article "How to Persist Uploaded Files".

This works well for the situation where I need a postback on a control, but that control is not a "submit" control.

The problem comes when I use one of the "submit" controls (listed in the PostbackTriggers property), but a server side validation error occurs, and the form data (including uploaded files) is NOT saved to the DB.  (This is a type of validation that can only be done on the server side.)  In that case, the upload control loses the uploaded file information.  Thus two questions:

1.   Is there a way on the server side to tell the control that an error has occurred, and to continue to persist the uploaded file information?

2.   Is there a way for the upload control to ALWAYS persist the uploaded file information until told on the server side that I have extracted the information I need from it?