Uploading a file when ExplorerMode is set to FileTree causes a JavaScript error in FileExplorer when the AsyncUpload is enabled.
Accepting tracked deleted block element will delete the following block element
Programmatic configuration of the data binding of markers is unavailable from the code behind. For example: RadMap1.DataBindings.MarkerBinding.DataShapeField = "Shape"; RadMap1.DataBindings.MarkerBinding.DataTitleField = "City"; RadMap1.DataBindings.MarkerBinding.DataLocationLatitudeField = "Latitude"; RadMap1.DataBindings.MarkerBinding.DataLocationLongitudeField = "Longitude";
Dear Team, I using Telerik for SharePoint on a page layout I am using the tag below <telerik:RadHtmlField id="EnglishContent" FieldName="English Content" runat="server"> </telerik:RadHtmlField> My customer requires to have a default text value inside this editor every time the user creates new page from the page layout. When I am trying to use rhe <content> tag I got an error that the tag content is not recognized as a Rad HTML Field tag.
The long code lines in the QSF code viewer are very hard to read as the only way to get the horizontal scroll-bar is to reach the bottom of the page.
When the Zip Skin archive is modified and uploaded to the SkinsAssemblyBuilder, the page throws a server error.
When localizing RadSpell to e.g., German, buttons' text is longer than expected and overflows outside the button. To fix the issue you can use an external dialog css file like in this code snippet: ASP.NET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <asp:TextBox ID="textBox2" runat="server" width="100%" Height="100px" TextMode="MultiLine">Dies ist eine Textbox mit ainigen absichtlichen fehlern.</asp:TextBox> <br /> <telerik:RadSpell ID="spell2" runat="server" ControlToCheck="textBox2" Language="de-DE" DictionaryLanguage="de-DE" SpellCheckProvider="EditDistanceProvider" Skin="Silk" DialogsCssFile="spell-dialog-css.css"></telerik:RadSpell> CSS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- button { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; -ms-text-overflow: ellipsis; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
Workaround: Toggle the fullscreen mode of the editor by adding the "editor.toggleScreenMode()" method two times at the end of the following callback, located in this JavaScript file ("C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\wpresources\RadEditorSharePoint\\Resources\SPEditorTools.js") configObj.ReturnCallback = function (url, text, config, newAsset) { elemLink.href = assetPickerValue.value; document.body.removeChild(assetPickerValue); if (inserting && url) { var images = elemLink.getElementsByTagName("img"); var textContent = elemLink.innerText != null ? elemLink.innerText : elemLink.textContent; if (textContent === "" && (!images || !images.length)) { if (linkContent.match(/</)) { Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.setElementInnerHtml(elemLink, linkContent); } else { var textNode = elemLink.ownerDocument.createTextNode(linkContent || text); elemLink.appendChild(textNode); } } if (editorSelection) editorSelection.selectRange(currentRange); editor.pasteHyperLink(elemLink, "InsertLink"); //WORKAROUND: if (editor.isFullScreen() == true) { editor.toggleScreenMode(); editor.toggleScreenMode(); } } };
The issue is reproducible with RadAlert, RadConfirm and RadPrompt dialogs without setting Behavior Move and DestroyOnClose="true"
When user clicks on e.g., bold text, comment, link, etc. the UI of RadEditor is not updated Possible workaround is using the Window's Show event to attach a handler, that re-attaches the mouseup event of RadEditor with setTimeout: <telerik:RadWindowManager runat="server" ID="RadWindowManager1"> <Windows> <telerik:RadWindow runat="server" ID="RadWindow1" VisibleOnPageLoad="true" Width="800px" Height="500px" OnClientShow="OnClientShow"> <ContentTemplate> <telerik:RadEditor ID="theEditor" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" EnableComments="true"> <TrackChangesSettings Author="RadEditorUser" UserCssId="reU1"></TrackChangesSettings> <Content> <h2 class="titleText">RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX</h2> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 19px; color: #4f6128;"><strong>RadEditor</strong></span> is not simply an <strong> <span class="reComment reU1" author="RadEditorUser" comment="comment 1" title="RadEditorUser: comment 1: 6/12/2015, 11:27:35 AM" timestamp="1434097655291">HTML</span></strong> Editor. <a href="http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/sharepoint.aspx">Link</a>.</p> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> </ContentTemplate> </telerik:RadWindow> </Windows> </telerik:RadWindowManager> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientShow(sender, args) { var editor = $find("<%= theEditor.ClientID %>"); window.setTimeout(function () { editor.attachInternalHandler("mouseup", function () { editor.raiseEvent("selectionChange"); }); }, 0); } </script>
Despite the fact that keyboard support is not supported with RadEditor, JavaScript error should not be thrown in such a situation. You can workaround this by following this example code to override the method related to the error: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" EnableAriaSupport="true"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.EditorDropDown.prototype.hide = function () { if (this._popupBehavior) this._popupBehavior.hide(); this._popupVisible = false; //Notify controller that tooltip was hidden this._getPopupVisibilityController().notifyPopupClosed(this); //Notify listeners for the dropdown being hidden this.raiseEvent("hide"); if (this._popupBehavior && this.get_enableAriaSupport()) this._popupElement.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); }; </script>
A sample project for reproducing the issue is attached: Each of the pages in the ContentUrl properties has an alert("PageName") displayed at pageLoad. 1, Brows the Default.aspx - an alert - page1 occurs 2. Select Level 2 tab, which would load the subTab - Page4 and the "page4" alert should be shown. Problem : In addition to the "page4" alert - the "page5" alert is raised and the page5.aspx had been loaded along with page4.aspx. ---------------------------------- Workaround: To workaround this issue, set the PageViewID property of the parent tab to be with the same value as the PageViewID property on the selected child tab. <telerik:RadTabStrip runat="server" ID="RadTabStrip1" MultiPageID="rmpPages" Width="100%"> <Tabs> <telerik:RadTab Text="Level 1" Selected="true" PageViewID="page1"> <Tabs> <telerik:RadTab Text="Page 1" PageViewID="page1" Selected="true" /> <telerik:RadTab Text="Page 2" PageViewID="page2" /> <telerik:RadTab Text="Page 3" PageViewID="page3" /> </Tabs> </telerik:RadTab> <telerik:RadTab Text="Level 2" PageViewID="page4"> <Tabs> <telerik:RadTab Text="Page 4" PageViewID="page4" Selected="true" /> <telerik:RadTab Text="Page 5" PageViewID="page5" /> <telerik:RadTab Text="Page 6" PageViewID="page6" /> </Tabs> </telerik:RadTab> </Tabs> </telerik:RadTabStrip> <telerik:RadMultiPage runat="server" ID="rmpPages"> <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="page1" ContentUrl="page1.aspx" Selected="true" /> <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="page2" ContentUrl="page2.aspx" /> <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="page3" ContentUrl="page3.aspx" /> <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="page4" ContentUrl="page4.aspx" /> <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="page5" ContentUrl="page5.aspx" /> <telerik:RadPageView runat="server" ID="page6" ContentUrl="page6.aspx" /> </telerik:RadMultiPage>