When trying to align selected text in a table, not all cells are being aligned correctly under IE and Chrome. In Firefox only one table cell is being applied with the chosen modification and not the selected text. Under IE and Chrome, when a table row element is in the selection, the child td elements are not processed by the Align command. Under FF when the table text is selected, the selected element is only the first TD element. The problem under IE and Chrome could be resolved using the following override of the executeOnNode(): <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.AlignCommand.prototype.executeOnNode = function (node) { var utils = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils; if (utils.isTag(node, "table")) return;//prevent alignment of tables since this has no effect in browsers. if (utils.isTag(node, "tr")) { var nodes = node.childNodes; var nodeArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodeArr.push(nodes[i]); } while (nodeArr.length) { var childNode = nodeArr.shift(); if (this.isSuitableNode(childNode)) this.executeOnNode(childNode); else this.executeInlineNode(childNode); } return; } if (utils.isTag(node, "ul") || utils.isTag(node, "ol")) return this.executeDomCommand($.makeArray(node.children)); if (utils.isTag(node, "img")) { if (this.nodes.length == 0 && this.canAlignImage()) { if (this.options.align == "none") this.alignBlock(this.getBlockContainer(node)); return this.alignImage(node); } else { this.removeImageAlign(node); var imageContainer = this.getBlockContainer(node); if (imageContainer != node) this.executeOnNode(imageContainer); else return this.executeInlineNode(node); } } this.alignBlock(node); }; </script>
Creating a large page with RadEditor control and opening the mentioned dialog will scroll the page to the top. This causes the user to loose visual contact with the Editor. The issue is due to the automatic textarea focusing in the clientInit() method of the dialog's logic. To resolve the issue you should modify the dialog and remove the focusing functionality. To do so follow the next steps: 1. Follow the Custom Built-in dialogs approach (http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/externaldialogspath/defaultcs.aspx) to use an external and later modified Plain Paste Dialog - the MozillaPasteTextDialog.ascx; 2. Find the clientInit() method trough the client-side logic of the MozillaPasteTextDialog.ascx file; 3. Remove the this._container.focus() line. You can also find attached a sample page with the fix placed, so that you can examine it.
Elapsed time, Estimated time and Speed are not calculated correctly.
A workaround is to place the rwLoading class in the proper place by using the events of the control, for example: <telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" ShowContentDuringLoad="false" OnClientShow="applyProperLoadingSign" OnClientPageLoad="removeLoadingSignClass"> </telerik:RadWindowManager> <script type="text/javascript"> function applyProperLoadingSign(sender, args) { if (!sender.get_showContentDuringLoad() && $telerik.isMobileSafari) { $telerik.$(".rwIframeWrapperIOS", sender.get_popupElement()).removeClass("rwLoading"); $telerik.$(".rwWindowContent.rwExternalContent", sender.get_popupElement()).addClass("rwLoading"); } } function removeLoadingSignClass(sender, args) { if ($telerik.isMobileSafari) { $telerik.$(".rwLoading", sender.get_popupElement()).removeClass("rwLoading"); } } </script>
When user navigates to a sub list via backspace, hitting enter twice removes the nested list. This is reproducible in IE9+. In IE11 the steps may lead to browser crash.
Hello, I am experiencing an error message when attempting to perform a "Telerik Scenario". I have purchased the DevTools Complete product line. When I am inside Visual Studio 2013 Enterprise: - I attempt to create a new "Telerik Scenario" ... the first screen asks me to select from the various Webforms: General or RadAjax or RadEditor etc. - When I select any of the many scenarios listed above ...... I get an Error = "Telerik VSExtensions Error" - I have reinstalled Visual Studio 2013 ultimate. - I have reinstalled Telerik DevTools Complete And I have the same problem. When I click the "Show me more" link: the above FULL description reads as follows: The wizard encountered an error while trying to handle user event. System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\h122183\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\WebSites\Cautions10\ExternalLibraries'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern) at Telerik.VSX.Internal.FileOperator.GetDirectoryFiles(String directoryPath, String pattern) at Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.AssemblyDiscovery.WebUIFileBasedDistribution.GetAdditionalPathsAssemblies() at Telerik.VSX.DistributionListing.FileBasedDistribution.GetAllAssemblyFiles() at Telerik.VSX.DistributionListing.FileBasedDistribution.PopulateItems(DistributionItemList items) at Telerik.VSX.DistributionListing.Distribution.get_Items() at Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.Helpers.SkinPackLister.GetSkinPacks() at Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.Helpers.ProjectSkinPackLister.GetSkinPacks() at Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.Controls.AvailableSkinSelector.SetModelSkins(String mainLoadInformation, IProjectWrap project, DistributionInfo distributionInfo) at Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.Controls.AvailableSkinSelector.PopulateSkins(IPropertyDataDictionary allPropertyValues, WizardContext context) at Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.Controls.AvailableSkinSelector.InitModel(IPropertyDataDictionary allPropertyValues, WizardContext context) at Telerik.VSX.WizardEngine.Controls.WizardControlBase.Init(IPropertyDataDictionary allPropertyValues, WizardContext context) at Telerik.VSX.Controls.EnableStateWizardControl`2.Init(IPropertyDataDictionary allPropertyValues, WizardContext context) at Telerik.VSX.WizardEngine.Controls.WizardControlBase.Telerik.WizardFramework.ScenarioDriven.IWizardControl.Init(IPropertyDataDictionary allPropertyValues, IWizardContext context) at Telerik.VSX.WizardFramework.Pages.DynamicPageController.InitControls() at Telerik.VSX.WizardFramework.Pages.DynamicPageController.Init(IWizardPageDef pageDefinition, IWizardContext wizardControlContext, IPropertyDataDictionary allGatheredData) at Telerik.WizardFramework.ScenarioDriven.ScenarioSelectorWizard.OnBeforeShow(Boolean movingNext) at Telerik.WizardFramework.Wizard.PostMove(Boolean movingNext) at Telerik.WizardFramework.Wizard.OnMoveNext() at Telerik.WizardFramework.Wizard.UI_Next(Object sender, EventArgs e) at Telerik.WizardEngine.Helpers.EventHelper.<>c__DisplayClass1.<RaiseEvent>b__0() at Telerik.WizardEngine.Helpers.EventHelper.CatchExceptionAndSendReport(Action action)
Adding CSS styles for the table layout via the TableCssLayoutTemplates adds the style element inside the body, which is non W3C compliant content.
If a RadPane has a scrollable content (it does not fit into its dimensions), under iOS and Android, you should tap and hold on a textbox to start typing in it. If you have a RadComboBox in the same scenario, it is not possible to expand its items under Android Chrome and Opera. Note: the issue is not reproducible, if that same content is loaded through the RadPane ContentUrl property.