It will be possible to disable the various actions that the diagram control currently supports. You can find them listed in the following help article:
When exporting to JSON the configurations of a RadDiagram containing complex shapes, not all of the shapes information gets exported. For example, the URLs to the embedded in the shapes images are not exported.
Shapes currently support text inside the shape - how about text as a label above (or below) the shape. I want to have shapes in the form of small circles that have a text label above showing the user what the shape represents.
You should be able to prevent the horizontal/vertical overlapping of routed connections . This way the connections should be easier to differentiate. 1. Could this be a setting where there is no overlapping of connections? 2. Even if I use a different color (red) for HoverSettings only the most recent created connection is displayed. At make the selected (Hovered) selection show when clicked. 3. This is a show stopper for us. We might have to try a different product because our clients need to differentiate the different paths (connections) in a complex Diagram. There is a similar request for this same missing feature in your other products at
It will be possible to edit the content of shapes and connections of RadDiagram by interacting with them.
the layouts are definitely limited for this control compared to other established diagram controls: looking for a swim lane layout, something like this: The connection lines should not intersect with one another(would depend on the layout obviously) and be smart like visio. The current layout choices are very messy when rendering data that has lots of connections in and out of shapes. As stated by another developer in this forum, the StartCap and EndCap settings do not work at all, I have tried everything, the connections never have the filled circle and arrow. In fact if you set them, they make the control very unstable in the browser. Feel free to reach out to me as I have evaluated the control for use in our infrastructure and its just not mature enough yet. Any idea when the next big release for this control will be? Thanks,
Allow shapes to be dragged and dropped between 2 diagram controls (and fire the associated drag-drop events on the target diagram container).
Raise OnHover event for the RadDiagram shapes and connections, giving the developer the ability to access the object that is hovered (get reference to it).
make it easier to serialize and deserialze the diagram json string. When doing a Kendo Diagram.Save and resulting json string and be able to easily deserialize this into a C# Diagram object with DiagramShapes and DiagramsConnections E.g.: 1) Kendo API does a Diagram.Save() 2) Serialize this to JSON 3) send to server via AJAX callback 4) simply do serializer.Deserialize<RadDiagram>(myJson); Only step #4 is missing, writing my own deserializer now :( The same would be the other way around, creating a RADDiagram with shapes and connections in the back and then serialize this with one call and bind it to the Kendo API.
Hello, The RadDiagram control has a lot of potential to be completely badass. I work in the engineering field and we'd like to use it to make diagrams of somewhat technical content. As such, the nodes (shapes) and connectors may contain several pieces of meta-data that is of use to the end user. The most natural way to present this information is in a tooltip similar to the ones used by other RadControls. Unfortunately there is no implementation for this, and jquery workarounds have only been met w/ partial success. Please consider adding tooltip for both shapes and connections in RadDiagram. thanks! matt
It will be possible to enable draggable scrollbars in RadDiagram.
By including an id attribute in the SVG rendering of the diagram shapes, it will be possible to reference them on the client.
It will be possible to detect when a new diagram connection is created or modified.
The text within the shapes should be wrapped automatically.
I found a request in the forums from 2010 for venn diagram functionality, but the topic is locked now. I was wondering if there was any chance that you might implement this at some point? The ability to create these, particularly with labeled/valued intersections, is a highly requested feature for our software. Thanks!
Give the ability to load JSON data to RadDiagram on the server.
Make it possible to drag RadDiagram shapes in mobile devices.
It will be possible to move RadDiagram shapes via the direction keyboard buttons.
The property should be similar to the Kendo UI property -