This is a visible title for each group (separate from the Group.Name property), like in the Windows 8.1 Start.
Sometime it would be better to have a layout that is not in the metro style. Where the default is: 1 2 5 6 3 4 7 8 There are scenarios where: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 would work much better. The tile list fits in metro style apps well but has other uses where that style is not really desired. There has been interest in this for the past couple years in the forum. Thanks Michael
Currently the mouse wheel scrolls a fixed amount of pixels. A property should allow the developer to control this speed. Leave your comments below on the way this property should be implemented (e.g. an enum or an integer from a given range).
<telerik:RadIconTile ImageUrl="./images/info_icon.png" NavigateUrl="./add_loading_sign.aspx"></telerik:RadIconTile> works, <telerik:RadIconTile ImageUrl="~/images/info_icon.png" NavigateUrl="~/add_loading_sign.aspx"></telerik:RadIconTile> Does not work, but it should.
Add loading data on scrolling instead of loading all data at once? Similar to the way Pinterest loads data on scrolling.
Allow Tiles with scrollable content to be both scrollable and draggable. Currently, if the draggable functionality of the control is enabled its content cannot be scrolled but is directly dragged (neither with the mouse button, nor its wheel).
At present, all events are fired when a tile is clicked, because dragging starts immediately.
RadTileList currently has the EnableDragAndDrop behavior but no way to react to these events. Also, add RadTileList to the category list in the feedback portal
When clicking a tile to navigate, the drag/drop events all fire.
A workaround is to remove the loading sign functionality by placing the following script at the end of the form tag The second override is necessary only if you use the OnClientDataLoaded event to alter the data and add fields in the data object that do not exist in the server response. You need to rename the OnClientDataLoaded method call to use your actual method name. You can find an example of both workarounds and their usage attached. Some additional information: - If possible, move the tiles out of the AJAX request, as this will eliminate all of the problems. Depending on the actual scenario perhaps you can make sure they are not in an update panel (e.g., position them absolutely on the page while keeping their markup out of the partial postback). - consider moving any data formatting logic from the event handler to the template. You can define functions that format the code in the template, not only in the event. An example is available in the attached file. Alternatively, you can return the data formatted from the web service. - consider reducing the time interval for the requests, because after the AJAX request, only 1 of 2 requests will update the tile UI.
In some cases, according to a condition, after the data from a request arrives, the developer may want to prevent further requests from this same tile. This should be possible by setting the update interval to 0. In the meantime, you can add dynamically (and remove when needed) a handler for the OnClientDataLoading event that will cancel the event and thus - the request. For example: <telerik:RadLiveTile ID="MyLivetile" UpdateInterval="1000" OnClientTemplateDataBound="MyLivetile_OnClientTemplateDataBound" runat="server"> <WebServiceSettings Path="Default.aspx" Method="MyPagemethod" UseHttpGet="false" /> <ClientTemplate> some template that uses the data </ClientTemplate> </telerik:RadLiveTile> <script type="text/javascript"> function MyLivetile_OnClientTemplateDataBound(sender, args) { var completed = args.get_dataItem().Completion; if (completed) { sender.add_dataLoading(preventLiveTileRequests); } } function preventLiveTileRequests(sender, args) { args.set_cancel(true); } </script>
TileList is missing the "Value" property, now the same effect is obtained via HiddenFiled on ContentTemplateTile. This is in contrast with a lot of others Telrik Controls. I'm asking Telrik to implement this functionality
Possible workarounds: - switch to the Classic RenderMode of the TileList: - disable DragAndDrop:
Hello, Please add support to bind to System.Dynamic.DynamicObject: Regards, Douw
A workaround is to have the tile list use the Default skin and change the tiles classes with JavaScript in the OnClientTileDataBound event <asp:ScriptManager ID="Scriptmanager1" runat="server" /> <telerik:RadSkinManager runat="server" ID="rsm1" Skin="mySkinName"></telerik:RadSkinManager> <telerik:RadClientDataSource runat="server" ID="RadClientDataSource1" PageSize="8" AllowPaging="true"> <DataSource> <WebServiceDataSourceSettings BaseUrl=""> <Select Url="products" DataType="JSONP" /> </WebServiceDataSourceSettings> </DataSource> </telerik:RadClientDataSource> <telerik:RadTileList ID="rtl" runat="server" RenderMode="Classic" TileRows="3" SelectionMode="Multiple" OnClientTileDataBound="createTile" OnClientTileClicked="tileClicked" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="Default" ClientDataSourceID="RadClientDataSource1"> <DataBindings> <CommonTileBinding TileType="RadContentTemplateTile" DataNameField="ProductID" DataTitleTextField="ProductName" DataBadgeValueField="UnitPRice" Shape="Square" /> <ContentTemplateTileBinding> <ClientContentTemplate> <div style="height: 150px; background-image: url('#= ProductName #');"> <div style="padding: 5px 8px 3px 8px;"> <div>#= ProductName #</div> <div style="font-size:0.8em; width: 134px; word-wrap:break-word; padding-bottom: 8px;">#= UnitsInStock #</div> <div class="field pad" > <img src="images/email.png" title="Can be emailed"> </img> </div> <div class="field pad"> <img src="images/SMS.png" title="Can receive SMS"> </img> </div> <div class="field pad"> <img src="images/noentry.png" title="Has a restricted password"> </img> </div> </div> </div> </ClientContentTemplate> </ContentTemplateTileBinding> <ClientTilePeekTemplate> <div style="height: 150px; background-image: url('styles/#= ProductName #/images/large/user.jpg');"> <div style="padding: 5px 8px 5px 8px; width: 134px; height: 140px; background-color: azure;"> <div>#= ProductName #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 100px;">#= ProductID #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 34px; text-align: right;">#= ProductID #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 100px;">#= ProductName #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 34px; text-align: right;">#= ProductName #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 100px;">#= UnitPrice #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 34px; text-align: right;">#= UnitPrice #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 100px;">#= UnitsInStock #</div> <div class="field" style="font-size:0.8em; width: 34px; text-align: right;">#= Discontinued #</div> </div> </div> </ClientTilePeekTemplate> </DataBindings> </telerik:RadTileList> <script> function createTile(sender, args) { var tileElem = $telerik.$(args.get_tile().get_element()); tileElem.removeClass("RadTile_Default").addClass("RadTile_mySkinName"); } function tileClicked() { } </script>