System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.
This issue happens when using DayView, MultiDayView, Month view modes and when scrolling through the calendar to change the selected date.
The issue happens on specific devices with android 14, Pixel 7, Galaxy S22.
Setting the time zone in calendar renderer to the DayView timelabelformat
public override bool TrySetViewMode(CalendarViewMode view, bool isAnimated)
if (view == CalendarViewMode.Day)
Control.DayView.DayEventsViewStyle.TimeLabelFormat.TimeZone = Java.Util.TimeZone.GetTimeZone("add time zone here");
return base.TrySetViewMode(view, isAnimated);
when using DayViewSettings and applying AppointmentTemplate, the template is not applied, the default one is applied.
Workaround: apply AppointmentTemeplate to MultiDayViewSettings for UWP.
Provide events raised when a new appointment is created and when an existing appointment is updated/deleted.
Programmatically setting the DisplayDate property of the control doesn't update the UI (just shows the same date/appointments)
E.g. Calendar.DisplayDate = Calendar.DisplayDate.AddMonths(2);
This worked in version 2020.1.114.1, but after updating the controls this no longer works.
I have added a TitleCellStyle to the calendar control.
<input:CalendarCellStyle HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" BackgroundColor="LightGray" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
MonthView Title Text:
DayView Title Text
Default calendar:
<telerikInput:RadCalendar x:Name="calendar"/>
Setting some styles (copied from :
<telerikInput:RadCalendar x:Name="calendar"> <telerikInput:RadCalendar.TitleCellStyle> <telerikInput:CalendarCellStyle BackgroundColor="LightBlue" TextColor="Gray" FontSize="20"/> </telerikInput:RadCalendar.TitleCellStyle> <telerikInput:RadCalendar.DayNameCellStyle> <telerikInput:CalendarCellStyle TextColor="Black"/> </telerikInput:RadCalendar.DayNameCellStyle> </telerikInput:RadCalendar>
The month name loses current culture localization once the cell is styled.
when setting Flow view mode to the RadCalendar control, the UI freeze.
The Flow mode is set using a custom renderer on iOS.
Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException:** 'Comparison method violates its general contract! is thrown when appointment source loads
For example, there are 33 appointments with the same start date and end date and 3 with a different start date and same end date as the other 33 appointments, all appointments are AllDay.
The exception is thrown on Android when loading the appointment source. It works fine on iOS and UWP.
Expose an editing feature of the RadCalendar so that the users can hold a specific time slot and manually add an appointment or edit an already existing one.
appointment color is not coming for ALL Day event in day or multi-day view.
Use AppointmentTemplate
Maybe I am over looking something, but I am unable to show the RadCalendar in the Agenda view mode with a dark background color. I have tried setting the background color of the RadCalendar to a dark color and the AgendaViewSettings only seem to allow me to set text colors and not the background.
We use the control in three modes, DayView, MonthView and AgendaView and only in agenda we can't seem to change the background color.
The background color for appointments is no longer visible in agenda view on iOS (Property "Color" on Appointment). The color works on both Day, Month and Week views, but not Agenda view. But it works on Android. It's only on iOS there is no background color. This worked before the latest update (Release R3 2020, Version 2020.3.916.1).
Is there anything else that needs to be done, except setting the Color property of appointments?
"All day" translation in calendar - refer to the attached image
1.Start a swipe gesture to the right (as like when you navigate to next three days) but stop it by return your finger back (holding the finger on the screen);
2. Since the gesture was canceled, you stay at 15th to 17th of July;
3.. Tap on some event to open it on other screen. Then come back to the calendar;
4.. Now you see other dates on the calendar, less than before, somewhat like 11th to 14th or 8th to 10th. Each time when you open other screen, calendar changes its displayed date. To cancel this behavior do new navigation swipe gesture.
Workaround: get the DisplayDate before the navigation and set it when navigating back