Currently, the project template generates a PCL that uses an App.cs. Most developers who use XAML prefer to have an App.xaml in order to use global resources (or the Telerik Theming mechanism). Please consider adding a checkbox to the Project Wizard that lets you choose between using [App.xaml/App.xaml.cs] or [App.cs]
Is it just me, or does Xamarin lack a solid (and well documented) social login component that leverages OAuth2 to support all popular social media sites? Xamarin.Auth seems incomplete and the documentation is horrible. Telerik, what are the odds that you could create a component that could do this for us? We choose what provider(s) to use or can add our own and then you control handles everything from selecting the provider all the way to giving us the token back? This could save a TON of time and really give your tool set a leg up on, well, everyone!
Create a framework which will expose touch events for consuming from Xamarin Forms apps.
There are 2 approaches to customize the theme -> directly override the resources in the BlueResources dictionary or create a custom resource dictionary and merge it instead of the BlueResources one. If you take the first approach in a .NET standard project and override one of the colors -> an ArgumentException is thrown: Use the second approach as a workaround where you create a custom resource dictionary, copy all the colors from the original one and modify them within your custom one. Available in the R3 2018 SP release.
At times in Android on initial load, the chart is not stretched properly but instead it is shrank to its minimum size and positioned in the top left corner. Nothing specific was found in the chart setup or the xaml set up. A possible work-around is to wrap the chart inside a Grid, set two row definitions in the Grid, and set the row span of the chart to two.
One way to work around this is to set a new items source.
Setting the cell style properties for border width to 0 does not remove the borders.
The reason for the exception is that when the IsBusy of the indicator changes, the Content is added to and removed from the visual tree. Because it is data-bound, the chart immediately tries to notify its native counterpart that an update is necessary, and the iOS control is looked up. However, sometimes, the old iOS control is found, which has been disposed. A possible workaround is not to put content inside the busy indicator. Use the busy indicator as a simple overlay. Available in the R3 2018 SP release.
Currently, the Zip and SpreadStreamProcessing files are located only in the shared/portable folders and are not present in the iOS, UWP and Android ones. This is the case with the Nuget packages as well - if you install it, no references are added to Zip/SpreadStreamProcessing in the iOS, UWP, Android projects. We should modify both approaches.
If you set both properties, the background color stands on top of the image. Available in minor release 2018.1.202. It will also be available in the R1 2018 SP release.
Workaround: Use the Small Percentage( or Fullwidth Percent Sign(
The idea of the item is to introduce a ContextMenu component, which can be used with any control/element for the implementation of per control/element context menu functionality.
If you have set MaxDate in the Calendar and you swipe the view to see the previous month, it is not possible to navigate back to the month that has the MaxDate. If you change the month through the MonthView -> everything starts working. Available in the 2018 R2 SP release.
When the SelectionMode of the RadCalendar is Range and you have set a MaxDate - you should not be able to select dates after the MaxDate. However, swipe-selecting cells which are disabled is working. Available in the R3 2018 SP release.
If the AutoComplete is visualized in a second (nested) view controller, the control stops autocompleting. Available in the R1 2018 release.
In Xamarin Forms there is a serious need for a Rich Text Editor control that would allow you to do this such as highlight text, apply fonts, styles etc. I think a tool like this is in great demand among Xamarin developers. Currently there are some Open source controls that have implemented these features however they have not been maintained and cannot be relied on for enterprise solutions
If the control is hidden when initializing and then on a later stage is visualized, it hangs.