Provide a way to set .5 and display it like 0.5 , not 5.0 in No-Mask Numeric input.
Add a property to force only allowing uppercase values, without needing to specify a number of characters or have the underline in the control.
This is achievable in code, but it seems unnecessary to go to such lengths for each instance where it is needed.
private void bankCode_ValueChanging(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.RadMaskedInputValueChangingEventArgs e)
You have to add next features to RadMaskedNumericInput
- Data binding to object
- Value could be decimal
- Value range, from min to max,
so this control could be useful in complex data entry form.
Support entering a single digit in a DateTimeMaskedInput control with Mask="MM"
Currently the MaskedInput controls cannot handle properly Chinese input symbols from Google Pinyin or MS IME. MaskedInput's code relies on methods from TextBox which do not fire when the input is not from keyboard.
Add built in masks for Email, IP, Phone, etc. Add design time support for this.
The method should be called after the text that should be copied to the clipboard is extracted. In its original implementation it should only set the text to the clipboard. You should be able to override it and replace the text or use different method for copying into the clipboard. For example: public class CustomMaskedInputControl : RadMaskedDateTimeInput { protected override void SaveTextToClipboard(string text) { Clipboard.SetDataObject(text); } }
Old Name was. "Implement a feature to change the Value property based on the Text property ". However, Value is the primary property for this control and that is why we want clients to use Value property, not two-way binding of the Text property that changes the Value internally. That is why we changed the name of the feature request. Its meaningful and clients will benefit from it. Basically clients want the literals to be included in in the VALUE. And this is meaningful only in TextInput. So new property in RadMaskedTextInput (for ex. IncludeLiteralsInValue) seems fine - Estimate 10. Example Scenario: Mask="##--##--##", User types 123456, Value property becomes "12--34--56" which will have the same value as the Text property. Example Scenario: IP Address SDK demo. Look at its code - there is converter in file and convert methods in ViewModel.cs. Both Value and Text are bound. If Value includes the dots, only 1 converter and 1 2way bingding would do the job with less code.
MaskedInput's Value is bound to property of an Entity class. This property has EditableAttribute. MaskedInput's will set IsReadOnly True if the EditableAttribute's AllowEdit is False. Clients need mechanism to stop this validation in MaskedInput.
If a user has selected all text in a numeric masked input control with a decimal (eg. 12.34), if they start typing a new value with a period (eg user types .89), the integer potion of the decimal does not change (so the input control now displays 12.89 instead of 0.89). Please provide a way to clear out what's to the left of the decimal when users type the period, as this is much more inline with the expected behavior of pretty much any other input control. The user has selected all the text and started typing. There's no excuse for not clearing out all the text in the input control in this scenario. Our clients are rightfully frustrated with this behavior.
Currrently the default ContextMenu of the TextBox inside the MaskedInput is used. You have to set it to null in code behind and the create custom ContextMenu in XAML / Code behind to use it successsfully.
In MaskedTextInput, users need to enter from right to left just like in NumericInput and CurrencyInput.
Allow entering an input in (exponent) scientific notation form for the RadMaskedNumericInput control
Users sometimes need to invoke Undo / Redo. Public command properties would be a possible way to go.
Currently the MaskedInput controls cannot parse strings containing such full-width symbols. Actually the .net framework also cannot directly parse such symbols.
Currently users are not allowed to completely remove or customize the Undo/Redo actions in the RadMaskedInput controls. Consider adding extensibility points such as commands or events.
Initially, when the value is 0, the mask control could look like - $__,___.00 instead of $__,___0.00.