To reproduce set he following properties:
MouseSelectionHandler.DoubleClickTime = 1000;
MouseSelectionHandler.MouseDragThreshold = 2;
MouseSelectionHandler.MouseDoubleClickThreshold = 60;
Profiling results show bottleneck in the line-breaking logic within Paragraph MeasureOverride.
Multi-byte Unicode characters can be represented as multiple ANSI characters in the form \'xx, for example:
\'89\'ce can represent the character 火 if multi-byte encoding should be used. Using multi-byte encoding could be set explicitly using the \ucN tag, or implicitly using the \fcharset for the current font (e.g. \fcharset134 is double-byte).
When such text is imported (commonly CJK text [Chinese, Korean, Japanese] the characters are imported incorrectly (as two '?' or as two different characters for each character)
Such RTF documents are produced from Office 2010 (Word, Outlook), WordPad - on saving or on copying content from the applications.
this.radRichTextBox.PreviewEditorKeyDown += (sender, args) =>
if (Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Alt) && Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control) && args.Key == Key.E)
args.SuppressDefaultAction = true;
args.OriginalArgs.Handled = true;
Add a way to convert between RadRichTextBox's RadDocument and RadWordsProcessing's RadFlowDocument. This will enable integration scenarios between the two products, including using RadWordsProcessing's format providers for import and export.