In the default control template of the RadSlider, the Track element is represented by a ContentControl control. When using the Xaml version of the assemblies, it would require extracting the TrackStyle, in order to base the custom one on it. An alternative would be to use the ChildrenOfType method to retrieve the ContentControl with x:Name="Track" and apply the needed modifications.
Both of these approaches could be a bit overwhelming when only the Width/Height properties of this Track element would need to be updated.
We could expose additional properties for changing the Width/Height values of this ContentControl (x:Name="Track").
Add multiple thumbs (more than 2). This would enable multiple ranges.
Currently hiding certain ticks requires custom empty tick template or custom ticktemplate selector. When resizing such slider labels get overlapped because tick panel reserves space for the ticks - to preserve the proportions between tick values.
So user needs to use Canvas in the datatemplate of the tick.
The idea of this feature request is to somehow allow such feature out of the box with eventually additional property / behavior / built-in selector etc.
Add possibility to input value like in the sliders from MS Expresion Blend 's ColorPicker
Implement Free/Lock/Push Thumbs interaction Modes like the ones in the Telerik RadSlider for Asp Ajax
Mechanism to allow/force a refresh/rebind of the data template for the ticks needed
Add PreviewSelectionStartChanged, PreviewValueChanged and PreviewSelectionEndChanged.
Among with the minimum and the maximum, an allowed minimum and alllowed maximum are needed to limit the sliders` selection range
Notification when reaching a tick.
Implement separate templtes for Top/Left and Bottom/Right ticks.
Add the ability to align the RadSlider ticks when they are used in custom TickTemplate. The ticks are currenlly always top/left aligned depending on the slider orientation.
Ability to snap the slider only at particular ticks
Currently, the containers for the ticks are generated and added in the visual tree even when the TickPlacement is set to None. Think of an improvement so that in this case the ticks are not added in the visual tree.
Expose an easier approach for styling the buttons that are placed over the slider's track. For example Style properties. Those RepeatButtons have their x:Names set to "LargeIncreaseHandler" and "LargeDecreaseHandler". Currently, in order to modify their appearance (like Background for example) you will need to override the entire ControlTemplate of RadSlider.
Implement out-of-the-box support for ToolTip to display the value during a drag even when the RadSlider.IsDeferredDraggingEnabled property is set to True. Available in R1 2017 Release
The RadSlider supports the "increase" and "decrease" handles, but "decrease" only decrements SelectionStart, and "increase" only increments SelectionEnd. Ideally there'd be an option for *two* sets of buttons at each end of the slider, an "increase" and "decrease" pair, so that both SelectionStart and SelectionEnd could be *either* increased *or* decreased independently. See the attached illustration. Thanks! There is IncreaseDecreaseHandlesOnBothEnds SDK demo available since R3 2016 Release.