In the RadGanttView implament filter functionality similar to RadGridView.
If the TasksSource is cleared in the TaskEdited event of the control the event is called in a loop. Available in LIB version 2016.2.530, it will be also available in the 2016 R2 SP1.
If the Timeline part of the control is shrunk to a state it doesn't need a scroll bar anymore (by changing PixelLength or VisibleRange) and after that it is enlarged, its size doesn't change, but the ScrollBar values update. Available in LIB version 2016.2.627, it will be also available in the 2016 R3 release.
The user should be able to create and add footer rows in RadGanttView in order to be able to summaries the data of the column above.
If a task is partially visible in the Timeline area, it should be bring into view when is selected by default.
This property describes how exactly a cell in the Grid to go to edit mode. Its could be a Click, DoubleClick, Enter, F2 etc. This item is related to
Not for Silverlight, I need it for WPF projects. Please change it.
If you edit a cell and directly change to another row in the TaskEdited event the TaskEditedEventArgs holds the old Task value before the editing.
As a <role> I want <ability> so that <benefit>.
As a user of the control I want to be able to highlight grid and timeline rows in different colors, depending on the data inside the task so that the user can easily see tasks with special properties.
Add a mechanism to determine the position of the main resizer and one for setting it. This will allow the users of the control to persist its position and reload it later.
Allow creating of recurring tasks
Add ability to customize the event that triggers the editing in the GanttView like the EditTrigger property of the GridView. Currently an InlinedEdit command added to the GanttView control. This item is also related to this PITS item.
Allow the users of the control to specify different types of calendars for the tasks, the resources and the timeline of the GanttView like in MSProject.