When the RadRibbonView is hosted in RadRibbonWindow under Windows7, the top part of the default inner border of the RadRibbonWindow is cut.
Please add support for the Backstage in Office 2013 with the back button. Available in Q3 2014
When the RibbonWindow contains WindowFormsHost element with WinForms controls and the window is resized (for example with the Maximize/Restore Down buttons), the resizing is slow. Note: The issue is reproducible only if the RadRibbonWindow.IsWindowsThemeEnabled static property is set to False
The RadRibbonView does not display in the designer when IsMinimized property is set to True.
The BorderBrush property of the RadToggleButton that is used inside the RadRibbonComboBox should be TemplateBound to the BorderBrush of the RadRibbonComboBox. By doing so clients will be allowed to change the BorderBrush for both text area and toggle button parts. Available in LIB version: 2016.2.516
When we have a RibbonWindow with the Office2013 theme applied and palette set to (for example) LightGray the background of the window is not changed.
The RadRibbonBackstage is closed when EscapeKey is pressed and the KeyTipService.IsKeyTipsEnabled is set to "True" and the Backstage closing logic on escape is dissabled Fixed in Q3 2014
The ApplicationMenu is displayed on the wrong monitor when hosted in RibbonWindow and the IsWindowsThemeEnabled is set to false.
The RibbonGroup Header is not displayed in data-bound scenario when HierarchicalDataTemplates are used.
When the Title property is set to "" the RibbonView displays the ApplicationName two times. If the Title is set to null via binding the control displays the ApplicationName three times. The problem doesn't occur when the RadRibbonView is hosted in a vanilla Window.
When you have a RibbonView in a RibbonWindow and you open another RibbonWindow from the first one, the paths of the minimize, maximize and close buttons of the first window disappears. Note that in order to reproduce this issue the Windows theme should be set to classic and the project should be started without debugging (Ctrl + F5)
The HeaderStringFormat property is not bound in the default template of the control.
When you open the drop down button of the QuickAccessToolbar and then mouse over its drop down content, the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" tool tip is displayed. This tool tip should be displayed only when the button is hovered
When the component is hosted in a RibbonWindow and its CollapseThresholdSize is modified, if the BackstageMenu is opened on start-up, the TitleBar of the RibbonView is misaligned. Instead of displaying in the RibbonWindow title bar, it initially displays underneath it. Once you close the Backstage, the title bar is moved in the Window's TitleBar.
RibbonWindow icon appears clipped when the DPI is set larger than 100%. Also, the icon separator is offset.
When the Windows OS theme is changed to Classic under Windows 7, the Minimize, Maximize and the Close button of the RadRibbonWindow disappear and the title bar becomes black. Also note that when the theme is Classic and you start the application the window is displayed correct, but when you change the theme to Aero, the RadRibbonWindow style it is not changed
RadRibbonGallery is compressed (collapsed). When you expand it with mouse a small popup appears near the Title of the application or to the right of the expanded RadRibbonGallery.
When the ItemTemplateSelector property is used the class which inherits the DataTemplateSelector is never called.
Implicit style doesn't apply on RadRibbonTabs which are added via PRISM. UPDATE: An implicit style can not be applied on derived controls as their TargetType is different than the one defined in the implicit style. Basically if you set the style implicitly, the style is applied only on the types that match the TargetType exactly and not on elements derived from the TargetType value. You can find more information on the topic in the remarks section of the Style property definition: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.style%28VS.95%29.aspx This is why in order to apply a Telerik predefined style on a UserControl deriving from RadRibbonTab, you need to add a Style targeting the UserControl type in the Resources of the application. It is best to define that style after merging the Telerik ResourseDictionaries so that you can base the UserControl Style on the predefined "RadRibbonTabStyle".
When RadRibbonView is hosted in RadRibbonWindow and the window is moved partially outside of the visual area of the screen the tabs' minimized content is misplaced.