Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1319
RibbonView galleries should support keyboard navigation, for example, up/down buttons should move the focus to the gallery, and move selection accordingly.
When the RibbonView is hosted in RibbonWindow and IsWindowsThemeEnabled is set to true, if the themes are switched at runtime (from Office2013 or VisualStudio2013 to another theme), the RibbonTabs and Quick Access Toolbar are hidden.
When NoXaml binaries are used and there is content hosted in the RadRibbonWindow it gets clipped. Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1312
Users should be allowed to understand when KeyTips are opened (respectively closed).
CUIT cannot access content (as groups and buttons) hosted by every tab, except the first one. Available in Q3 2014 SP
The tab strip of the control is still visible when all tabs and the application button are collapsed in the Expression_Dark theme. HeaderVisibility of the RadRibbonTabs and the ApplicationButtonVisibility of the RadRibbonView are set to Collapsed. Available in LIB version: 2016.2.601
A "Cannot access Freezable 'System.Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush' across threads because it cannot be frozen." exception is thrown when you try to open the window for second time using ATEasy software.
Allow the RadRibbonView to ignore the windows menu location settings for the MinimizedPopup
The HeaderStringFormat property of the RadRibbonBackstageItem is not working [RadRibbonView]
TreeView or DataGrid, or COmbobox is placed in a dropcontent of a RibbonDropDownButton. Item is selected programmatically before the dropdown is loaded. This leads to null reference exception.
In MVVM scenario, DropDownContent of the RibbonDropDownButton is databound. In the DropDownContentTemplate, there is a RadContextMenu with menu items with Commands. These Commands do not fire. This has worked till Q2 2014.
The QAT is placed too close to the ribbon when hosted in a RadRibbonWindow.
If a RibbonView is used in a WPF, where the Window SizeToContent property is set to WidthAndHeight, the Window takes too much space.
The app starts with the backstage open (IsBackstageOpen="true" for RadRibbonView). After closing the backstage RadRibbonView MinimizeButtons, both in QuickAccessToolbar and on the RadRibbonView, stay disabled. Expectation is those should get enabled after the backstage is closed. Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1409
RibbonWindow leaves empty spaces between the border and the content when used on Windows8 machine and the project targets .NET 4.0
RibbonWindow Title is displayer on multiple lines when its value is set to a very long string and used on Windows7(Aero).
RibbonSplitButton have different width in its dissable state compared to its normal state. The fix is available in Q1 2015 SP Release.
RadRibbonSplitButton text is too close to the border of the button due to lacking padding in the TextBlock holding text. Also the Text is a few pixels off vertically compared to the other ribbon buttons.