When using German Culture, NoMask and FormatString = "n0" , an incorrect input is produced. For example pressing 4 times "6" will produce a Value of 7. This is a parsing issue (6666 becomes 6.666 where "." is a grouping symbol in German Culture). Then 6.666 is parsed with rounding to 7.
When the user inputs digits in the RadMaskedNumericInput and then inputs some Spaces, the Value property is not changed although the UpdateValueEvent="PropertyChanged". It is only changed when the focus is lost.
Select text in the RadMaskedTextInput then Ctrl + X cuts the text but Ctrl + V does not paste it. Steps to reproduce: 1) Type 12345. Select 345. 2) Ctr + X. 3) Ctrl + V won't do anything. (345 is not pasted) the result is - "_______________"). Expected result is: "345". This should replace the whole text with the copied one. SelectionStart is not changed after paste. Notes: This bug is only for the scenario Cut + Paste in the MaskedTextInput with Mask. Pasting in No-Masked MaskedTextInput (Mask="") should work much like pasting in normal TextBox (in the same scenario the result should be "12345").
Pressing ClearButton of the RadMaskedDateTimeInput will place the caret on the last position. It must place the caret on the first position.
If you set the OS culture to Dutch (Belgium) and set the Decimal symbol to "." and the Digit grouping symbol to "," you are not allowed to enter 5 digits into the RadMaskedNumericInput control.