Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:05 by ADMIN
In a DateTimeMaskedInput with Mask=hh:mm tt, if the value is 10:00, the user can't enter 04:00.
Reason for decline: The pattern "hh:mm tt" cannot accept time of type "00:00". You can test this with DateTime.ToString() method which will return "12:00" if you give him time (0hours, 0 minutes) and pattern "hh:mm tt". When typing 0 in the begging of the MaskedDateTimeInput , the control automatically converts 00:00 to 12:00 which is expected.

Workaround: You can use Mask="HH:mm tt" or Mask="t".
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:05 by ADMIN
We have a RadMaskedCurrencyInput control defined as:
<telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput Margin="20" Culture="se-SE" Placeholder=" "/>.
If we focus the control and press the LeftArrowKey, the cursor is placed on the last (far right) position in the control which is incorrect.
Reason for deletion: You can consider Placeholder = " " as a risky setting that might lead to unpredicted parsing results. We highly encourage you to avoid using it. Instead you can use no-mask. In this scenario you can use:

 <telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput Margin="20" Culture="se-SE" Mask="" FormatString="c2"/> 
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:05 by ADMIN
In the Currency and NumericInput controls, clear the sign of the value on SelectAll in order to allow the user to enter a negative value again. At the moment when everything in the controls is selected, the minus key only toggles the sign of the value. Instead you should be able to select a negative value and replace it with another negative value by entering the minus key and the new value.

MinusKeyCustomizations demo is added in our SDK: 
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Implement a behavior to allow dymanically changing the FormatString precision specifier
Reason to mark it Completed: Added the "Dynamic Format String" sample in SDK. Will be live with Q2 2014 (mid June)
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
Improve the FlowDirection functionality - at the moment setting the flow direction to RightToLeft, partly inverts the Mask value thus messing it up.

We are closing this issue as we do not think this is a bug. MaskedInput's Value , Mask and Text properties are not dependent on the FlowDirection property.
The issue the bug is originally logged to is easy to reproduce with TextBox only.
 <TextBox Text="10-Jul-2015" FlowDirection="RightToLeft" /> will produce the string "Jul-2015-10" but not the reversed string of "10-kul-2015". This is how is awpf framework implementation.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Pasting values in the controls, clears the current value in order to paste the new content
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
We set the AutomationProperties.Name property of a RadMaskedInput control.
This property is not applied in the control (if checked with the UI Spy) the Name automation property is not the set one, but the control's value.
This forces the MS Narrator to read the value of the control instead of the desired one.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
Change the InputBehavior when deleting digits after the decimal symbol: For example if the cursor position is marked with '|': Enter: 1234,56|78  (press 'del') Result: 1234,560|8 - change this behavior so that the result can be 1234,56|8.


We can split the request into 2 desired results. Input: 1234.56|78. Pressing Delete

1) Produces Value 1234.5680 but NOT 1234.5608

Solution: Can be achieved with using No-Mask, FormatString and overriding MaskedNumeric/Currency Input and the protected method ReplaceChar. This is demonstrated in the attached sample.

2) (1) is True + Last zero is removed => 1234.568 but NOT 1234.5680

Solution: 2 is tightly coupled with changing the FormatString or Mask dynamically. There is no way to see number 123.456 if the Mask is "x.4" or the Mask is "" + format string is "n4". To see 3 digits only after the decimal point you need to change the Mask to "x.3" or the FormatString (in no-masked scenario) to "n3". This cannot be built-in feature because it changes a public property set by the client. So, this is custom behavior, it is also demonstrated in the SDK demo DynamicFormatString (it is pushed in GitHub with Q2 2014 Release)
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by ADMIN
InputLanguageManager does not work in MaskedInputControls

Reason for deletion: The bug is logged for RadMaskedTextBox and it will be removed from our suite from Q2 2014.
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by MohanRajP - PmR
Possibility to enter numbers with non-fixed number of digits after the decimal separator.
The SDK sample DynamicFormatString demonstrates such behavior.

Here is a link to it = >

We are marking this feature request as Declined - we won't introduce built-in logic for it. 
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2016 14:04 by Michael
MaskedInput: The cursor of the Mouse is  Caret when it is over the built in ScrollViewer
Reason for deletion: The bug is logged for RadMaskedTextBox and it will be removed from our suite from Q2 2014.
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2016 14:47 by ADMIN
It would be really useful to be able to specify a maximum number of significant figures for Telerik RadMaskedNumericInput as this was requested by a client.
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2016 14:25 by Tim
When setting the CurrencyDecimalSeparator to "," the MaskedCurrencyInput shows ".," (decimal point is not expected).
Similar issues with MaskedNumericInput.
Setting both CurrencyDecimalSeparator and CurrencyGroupSeparator to "." also produces issues.

Possible workaround:
 public class CustomCurrency: RadMaskedCurrencyInput
        protected override void SetSeparators(params Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.Separator[] separatorsArray)
            this.Separators.Add(new Separator(this.Culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator, true));

The fix will be available in lib for 11 July 2016.
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2016 07:52 by ADMIN
You have the following scenario.
The UpdateValueEvent property is set to "LostFocus" and set no mask ( Mask= "").

When the input box is focused, press the minus sign key. You can see the that the minus is showing as expected. 

Then press a number and the "-" (minus) disappear. By pressing number key again the minus appears again.

A workaround: 
Setting the UpdateValueEvent property to PropertyChanged

Available in R2 2016 SP
Last Updated: 01 Apr 2016 14:08 by ADMIN
Mask="" (no-mask) and FormatStyring =n3 or n4 , n5.

Value is 0.

Typing 0 then ".", then 0, then 0, then 5 produces 0.5000 but it should produce 0.0050.

Fix available in LIB Version 2016.1.404.
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2016 19:33 by Rousseau
Created by: Pavel R. Pavlov
Comments: 9
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Feature Request
Currently, performing consecutively paste operation does not work like in TextBox. In TextBox the strings are concatenated but in MaskedTextInput the caret is in the beggining and only the first paste is successful. 
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2016 07:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
Currently, performing consecutively paste operation does not work like in TextBox. 
In TextBox the strings are concatenated but in MaskedTextInput the caret is in the beggining and only the first paste is successful.

The XAML team has recently reviewed the status of this feature request and will not be addressing it in future.
Consecutive Paste operation works in No-Masked scenario (Set Mask=""). Changing the paste behavior in masked scenarios would be a breaking change for some of our clients. 
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:22 by ADMIN
The 'hh:mm' Mask is not applied correctly in the DateTimeInput when the control is focused.

For example if the date is 2014-05-23, 22:30, and the Mask property of the control is set to 'hh:mm' the displayed text should be 10:30. Currently, this text is displayed only if the input is not focused, otherwise the text changes to 22:30
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:14 by ADMIN
Use No-Masked TextInput (Mask=""). Pressing delete will always place the caret on position 0.
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Petar Mladenov
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
Pasting 5788250000028292 in NumericInput with Mask = # 19 will cut the last digit 2.
Pasting the same number in CurrencyInput will produce an exception.