Possibility to enter numbers with non-fixed number of digits after the decimal separator. The SDK sample DynamicFormatString demonstrates such behavior. Here is a link to it = > https://github.com/telerik/xaml-sdk/tree/master/MaskedInput/DynamicFormatString We are marking this feature request as Declined - we won't introduce built-in logic for it.
Currently, performing consecutively paste operation does not work like in TextBox. In TextBox the strings are concatenated but in MaskedTextInput the caret is in the beggining and only the first paste is successful.
In MaskedNumericInput when Mask="p2" you can not delete/replace the minus "-" sign when you select all and type a digit. With no-mask, select all then typing a digit will remove the negative sign symbol from the text. As a workaround, users can use Mask="", FormatString="p0" and maskedInput:MaskedInputExtensions.Maximum="0.99". Second Workaround: <telerik:RadMaskedNumericInput Mask="p2" Value="-0.25" x:Name="input" PreviewKeyDown="MaskedInput_PreviewKeyDown"/> private void MaskedInput_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { string keyString = e.Key.ToString(); if (keyString.StartsWith("D") && keyString.Length == 2) { if (this.input.SelectionLength == "-AA %".Length) { this.input.ClearCommand.Execute(null); } } } Edit: Actually this is default behavior for NumericIinput with default Masks #9.2. Select All on negative value then pressing digit does not remove the negative sign. This is the reason we will mark this bug as Declined. Please use some of the mentioned workarounds. Please submit a support ticket via our ticketing system if this feature is critical for your business requirement.
Currently, performing consecutively paste operation does not work like in TextBox. In TextBox the strings are concatenated but in MaskedTextInput the caret is in the beggining and only the first paste is successful. The XAML team has recently reviewed the status of this feature request and will not be addressing it in future. Consecutive Paste operation works in No-Masked scenario (Set Mask=""). Changing the paste behavior in masked scenarios would be a breaking change for some of our clients.
In a DateTimeMaskedInput with Mask=hh:mm tt, if the value is 10:00, the user can't enter 04:00. ============= Reason for decline: The pattern "hh:mm tt" cannot accept time of type "00:00". You can test this with DateTime.ToString() method which will return "12:00" if you give him time (0hours, 0 minutes) and pattern "hh:mm tt". When typing 0 in the begging of the MaskedDateTimeInput , the control automatically converts 00:00 to 12:00 which is expected. Workaround: You can use Mask="HH:mm tt" or Mask="t".
We have a RadMaskedCurrencyInput control defined as: <telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput Margin="20" Culture="se-SE" Placeholder=" "/>. If we focus the control and press the LeftArrowKey, the cursor is placed on the last (far right) position in the control which is incorrect. ===== Reason for deletion: You can consider Placeholder = " " as a risky setting that might lead to unpredicted parsing results. We highly encourage you to avoid using it. Instead you can use no-mask. In this scenario you can use: <telerik:RadMaskedCurrencyInput Margin="20" Culture="se-SE" Mask="" FormatString="c2"/>
MaskedInput: The cursor of the Mouse is Caret when it is over the built in ScrollViewer ==== Reason for deletion: The bug is logged for RadMaskedTextBox and it will be removed from our suite from Q2 2014.
Add a property to force only allowing uppercase values, without needing to specify a number of characters or have the underline in the control.
This is achievable in code, but it seems unnecessary to go to such lengths for each instance where it is needed.
private void bankCode_ValueChanging(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.RadMaskedInputValueChangingEventArgs e)
Improve the FlowDirection functionality - at the moment setting the flow direction to RightToLeft, partly inverts the Mask value thus messing it up. We are closing this issue as we do not think this is a bug. MaskedInput's Value , Mask and Text properties are not dependent on the FlowDirection property. The issue the bug is originally logged to is easy to reproduce with TextBox only. <TextBox Text="10-Jul-2015" FlowDirection="RightToLeft" /> will produce the string "Jul-2015-10" but not the reversed string of "10-kul-2015". This is how is awpf framework implementation.
InputLanguageManager does not work in MaskedInputControls ==== Reason for deletion: The bug is logged for RadMaskedTextBox and it will be removed from our suite from Q2 2014.
I think it would be great to have a IsMultilineAllowed property for this control, as AcceptsReturn property is only designed to ignore the return key entered by the user. Here is my post in the forum: http://www.telerik.com/forums/paste-multi-line-text-when-acceptsreturn-set-to-false ======== Reason for Decline: The desired request is custom logic that could be implemented by inheriting the RadMaskedInput control and overriding HandlePaste.
Dear Telerik Team,
We are facing an issue in MaskedCurrencyInput when using Chinese keyboard. MaskedCurrencyInput control is showing numbers along with other characters that are not numeric.
In case of typing alphabets, MaskedCurrencyInput is showing suggestion box of chinese characters and also showing alphabetic characters on input area.
This is working fine in English keyboards but in chinese keyboard Chinese Suggestion box and chinese characters are appearing which should not.
Steps to Reproduce:
1- Use MaskedCurrencyInput of Telerik in XAML WPF.
2- Type alphabets e.g. abcd in MaskedCurrencyInput field box. Chinese Suggestion would appear.
Chinese Suggestion box and chinese characters should not appear. Kindly let me know if it would be resolved or any work around to stop this chinese suggestion box to be opened.
You have to add next features to RadMaskedNumericInput
- Data binding to object
- Value could be decimal
- Value range, from min to max,
so this control could be useful in complex data entry form.
It would be really useful to be able to specify a maximum number of significant figures for Telerik RadMaskedNumericInput as this was requested by a client.
When UpdateValueEvent is set on PropertyChanged and the mask uses upper/lower token(s) the letters/characters are updated to uppercase after filling the mask. The control should update its text on every key stroke. Update: We are closing this issue because this is expected behavior in MaskedInput. Value property is updated if all required symbols (required from the Mask) are populated. If you need the Value to be updated on every symbol entered you can set the property AllowInvalidValues = True.