Last Updated: 22 Jan 2016 14:55 by ADMIN
Mask="Pddd" should disallow letters.

However, after select all, you can type letter in the position of the first "d"

Available in LIB Version: 2016.1.125.
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2018 10:40 by ADMIN
For example the following culture:

 this.currency.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("prs-AF"); has     


    CurrencyDecimalDigits: 2
===>  CurrencyDecimalSeparator: "."
===>  CurrencyGroupSeparator: ","
    CurrencyGroupSizes: {int[1]}
    CurrencyNegativePattern: 3
    CurrencyPositivePattern: 0
    CurrencySymbol: "؋"
    DigitSubstitution: NativeNational
    IsReadOnly: false
    NaNSymbol: "ناعدد"
    NativeDigits: {string[10]}
    NegativeInfinitySymbol: "-∞"
    NegativeSign: "-"
    NumberDecimalDigits: 2
===>  NumberDecimalSeparator: ","
===>  NumberGroupSeparator: "."
    NumberGroupSizes: {int[1]}
    NumberNegativePattern: 3
    PerMilleSymbol: "‰"
    PercentDecimalDigits: 2
    PercentDecimalSeparator: ","
    PercentGroupSeparator: "."
    PercentGroupSizes: {int[1]}
    PercentNegativePattern: 1
    PercentPositivePattern: 1
    PercentSymbol: "%"
    PositiveInfinitySymbol: "∞"
    PositiveSign: "+"

Typing 12345 in the control produces Value 123 which is wrong. Parsing becomes wrong after the group separator kicks in.
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2019 13:26 by ADMIN

Scheduled for:
The fix for this issue will be available with LIB (version 2019.1.128) scheduled for publishing on Monday, 28th January 2019.
Last Updated: 16 Jan 2017 07:15 by Carl Herlitz
If a user has selected all text in a numeric masked input control with a decimal (eg. 12.34), if they start typing a new value with a period (eg user types .89), the integer potion of the decimal does not change (so the input control now displays 12.89 instead of 0.89). Please provide a way to clear out what's to the left of the decimal when users type the period, as this is much more inline with the expected behavior of pretty much any other input control. 

The user has selected all the text and started typing. There's no excuse for not clearing out all the text in the input control in this scenario. Our clients are rightfully frustrated with this behavior.
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2016 12:41 by ADMIN
In NoMask scenario the Placeholder should not be a valid property. The issue: if the Placeholder is an underscore (default value) and the user's input underscore this character is not displayed on lost focus.


1. Set empty string for Placeholder (Placeholder="")

2. Set TextMode property to MaskedText (TextMode="MaskedText")
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