Last Updated: 09 Oct 2017 12:09 by ADMIN
Fix available in LIB Version 2017.3.1009.
Last Updated: 05 Jan 2015 13:44 by ADMIN
Pasting text in TextInput with No-Mans and UpdateValueEvent=LostFocus is not successful.

This operation clears the whole Value.

 <telerik:RadMaskedTextInput Mask="" UpdateValueEvent="LostFocus"/>

Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1305
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:22 by ADMIN
The 'hh:mm' Mask is not applied correctly in the DateTimeInput when the control is focused.

For example if the date is 2014-05-23, 22:30, and the Mask property of the control is set to 'hh:mm' the displayed text should be 10:30. Currently, this text is displayed only if the input is not focused, otherwise the text changes to 22:30
Last Updated: 04 Jan 2016 15:58 by ADMIN
Numeric or Currency Input with Value = Null.

Clicking minus key (OemMinus or NumpadSubtract) places minus but Shift + OemPlus (or Numpad Add) does NOT remove the minus sign.

Will be available in Q1 2016 Release.
Last Updated: 05 Nov 2014 09:38 by ADMIN
Part of the Value or the whole value is selected in no-masked NumericInput.

Pasting a copied text is not successful. For example 4 is the value and 4 is selected. Pasting "123" produces "1" but it should produce "123".
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2014 13:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Petar Mladenov
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
MaskedNumericInput with Mask = #6.3. When there is no digit grouping (you can turn it off from  the region / format settings in windows, no digit grouping means no symbol for grouping) the control produces Exception on load.
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2014 14:42 by ADMIN
If you try to paste text in the RadMaskedTextInput control using the default ContextMenu, after the Clear button is pressed (or after delete with backspace), the Paste command is not working as expected.

Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1124
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2014 12:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Petar Mladenov
Comments: 3
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
RadMaskedTextInput with no-mask => Mask="".

Selecting part of the value then paste works incorrectly. The selected text is not replaced and it is preserved, the copied text is inserted.

It is expected that the selected text is entirely replaced with the copied text.
Last Updated: 31 Jul 2014 14:30 by ADMIN
GridView with GridViewDataColumn.CellEditTemplate.

In it MaskedTextInput is initially Collapsed. Double clicking the Cell will produce a Null refecence exception.
Last Updated: 04 Jun 2014 06:36 by ADMIN
When using German Culture, NoMask and FormatString = "n0" , an incorrect input is produced.

For example pressing 4 times "6" will produce a Value of 7.

This is a parsing issue (6666 becomes 6.666 where "." is a grouping symbol in German Culture).

Then 6.666 is parsed with rounding to 7.
Last Updated: 01 Apr 2014 12:25 by ADMIN
Pressing ClearButton of the RadMaskedDateTimeInput will place the caret on the last position.

It must place the caret on the first position. 
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2019 13:35 by ADMIN
MaskedInput focus behaves different when it is set in code behind. When the textbox is on focus and new character is entered the text remains the same and the new character is added at the beginning of the textbox.

Scheduled for:
The fix for this issue will be available with LIB (version 2019.1.128) scheduled for publishing on Monday, 28th January 2019.
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2014 07:53 by ADMIN
If you set the OS culture to Dutch (Belgium) and set the Decimal symbol to "." and the Digit grouping symbol to "," you are not allowed to enter 5 digits into the RadMaskedNumericInput control.
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2014 14:33 by ADMIN
If Mask = "\A\B\C\D####" (A, B, C, D are escaped) and NumericInput is used. Select All , then typing 1234 produces something like 4312.

Available in LIB version: 2014.3.1222
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:14 by ADMIN
Use No-Masked TextInput (Mask=""). Pressing delete will always place the caret on position 0.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2015 11:32 by Alex
Created by: Petar Mladenov
Comments: 2
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
In Q3 2013, Focus() or KeyBoard.Focus() cannot focus the MaskedInputControls so that their Caret is blinking and ready to receive input.
Also, FocusManager.FocusedElement used to do the same  in previous releases but in Q3 it doesn't.
Last Updated: 04 Feb 2016 13:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Petar Mladenov
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
Pasting 5788250000028292 in NumericInput with Mask = # 19 will cut the last digit 2.
Pasting the same number in CurrencyInput will produce an exception.
Last Updated: 09 Nov 2017 11:58 by Telerik Admin
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
When the layout of the keyboard is AZERTY the minus key is not working as expected.

Available in LIB version 2017.3.1113, it will be also available in the R1 2018 Release.
Last Updated: 25 May 2023 13:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: MaskedInput
Type: Bug Report
In Insert Mode digits are not inserted properly. For example, with Value 123456 - when caret is between 3 and 4 pressing digit overwrites the digit 4 but is shouldn't
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2016 14:25 by Tim
When setting the CurrencyDecimalSeparator to "," the MaskedCurrencyInput shows ".," (decimal point is not expected).
Similar issues with MaskedNumericInput.
Setting both CurrencyDecimalSeparator and CurrencyGroupSeparator to "." also produces issues.

Possible workaround:
 public class CustomCurrency: RadMaskedCurrencyInput
        protected override void SetSeparators(params Telerik.Windows.Controls.MaskedInput.Separator[] separatorsArray)
            this.Separators.Add(new Separator(this.Culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator, true));

The fix will be available in lib for 11 July 2016.