This field retrieves a character through a code value specified in the field-argument. Such documents are common and are created when symbols (e.g. with font Windings through Insert -> Symbol dialog) are inserted in RTF documents in MS Word. This functionality is also used when content containing <sym> element is copied from DOCX and pasted in RadRichTextBox - as the content is converted to RTF containing SYMBOL field during the operation. Workarounds: - Implement such field with the API, see the documentation article ( ) and the SDK example ( ). Note that MS Word doesn't show field menus for these fields in RTF documents. - If RTF format is used and you have control over document creation, save the documents initially as docx, and then save them to RTF. This way the symbols will be encoded without the SYMBOL field construct, and are successfully imported in RadRichTextBox. Available in R3 2018 Official Release.
Currently text in table cell can be oriented only left to right, with horizontal lines flowing from top to bottom. Add support for more text directions - the most common are vertically oriented, i.e. rotated to 90 or 270 degrees.
Provide mechanism for selecting an uri from which a dictionary can be downloaded when needed. In this way the client will download only the dictionaries that are in use. If more are needed, they will be downloaded on demand.
When inserting text (document fragment) next to a correctly spelled word they get both underlined as incorrect.
DocxFormatProvider should support external content (altChunk (Anchor for Imported External Content)) when importing documents. The current version omits anything referred as external content. Note: exporting from Telerik Reporting to DOCX when the report contains HtmlTextBox will create such elements.
Copy formatting from one place in the document and apply it to another. Available in R2 2018 Official Release version.
In some languages such as German and Swedish, combining correct words into one is a common morphological pattern. Compound words not included in the dictionaries should not be marked as misspelled.
When track changes are enabled deleted content is also taken into account when spellchecking. Steps to reproduce: - Type in a wrong word (e.g. thos). - Turn Track Changes on. - Select the o and replace it with i. Expected: The word is not considered wrong and underlined by the spellchecker. Actual: "thois" is spell checked and evaluated as wrong.
Add a way to restrict page breaks in paragraphs or page breaks between paragraphs. In MS Word, these options are named "Keep lines together", "Keep with next" and "Page break before".
When the focus gets in RadRichTextBox, AutomationProperties.Name is not pronounced by screen readers (for example by Windows Narrator). Workaround: the automation name could be set to the caret as demonstrated in the attached project.
This will reduce the resulting PDF documents' size drastically.
Splitting table cells is currently not supported and it would be a nice addition to the functionality related to tables. Menu item should be added to the default table context menu.
In MS Word there is a combo box for display mode of the track changes under Review tab. There is a No Markup option which hides the revisions and shows how the document will look in his final variant. Similar to accepting all revisions.
The properties applied locally to the content are not preserved and used for the new content when the user changes the paragraph indent. Workaround: Keep the properties in a variable and apply them after executing the command: StyleDefinition style; private void RadRichTextBox_CommandExecuted(object sender, CommandExecutedEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is IncrementParagraphLeftIndentCommand) { this.radRichTextBox.CurrentEditingStyle.CopyPropertiesFrom(style); } } private void RadRichTextBox_CommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.RichTextBoxCommands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is IncrementParagraphLeftIndentCommand) { style = new StyleDefinition(this.radRichTextBox.CurrentEditingStyle); } }
The settings of the empty paragraphs in the document fallback to the default document settings (Verdana). The EnumerateChilderOfType() method can be used to traverse all the paragraphs in the document and apply them the same font family as a workaround.
Importing a document containing non-printable characters and other invalid for XML characters is possible. However, trying to export the same to XAML or DOCX causes System.ArgumentException raised by the XmlWriter. Workaround: Preprocess the input file and remove any characters not allowed in XML. Fix available in LIB Version 2018.3.1029.
Add the following code to an application with a RadRichTextBox in it: for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var doc = radRichTextBox.Document.CreateDeepCopy(); } If your document does not contain any lists it behaves as expected: memory usage increases until the next GC when it is collected. If there are lists in your document the RadDocument instances created by CreateDeepCopy are never collected and your app will run out of memory. Fix available in LIB Version 2018.3.1029.
When a separate file for setting the xaml styles is used and then this file is merged in App.xaml the style cannot be found. As a workaround merge the resources directly in the App.xaml. Fix available in LIB Version 2018.3.1029.
In MS Word, when track changes are enabled, the users can choose to show the revisions in balloons, similar to comments. Add such possibility in RadRichTextBox as well.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Insert a table into the document with borders enabled 2. Zoom out so the zoom level is below 100% Expected behavior: The borders are always rendered at a minimum of 1px width, even if the calculated size is below 1 at the current zoom level (This is what Word does) Actual behavior: Some of the borders do not render.