Last Updated: 02 May 2022 06:26 by Bohus
RichTextBox: Doesn't display a portion of the text when the FlowMode is set to Flow
Last Updated: 25 Apr 2022 11:52 by ADMIN
IME: Cannot type in RadRichTextBox using Microsoft Pinyin Input Method (Chinese)
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2022 08:25 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.418 (18 Apr 2022)
The exception is thrown with a message "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'RepeatButtonLineUpTemplate'" and it is caused by a duplicate style definition. 
Last Updated: 06 Apr 2022 12:25 by Megges
RichTextBox: HtmlFormatProvider: ListItems styles are changed in RichTextBox when Exported to HTML
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2022 12:21 by ADMIN
Tables are exported with the wrong cell height to HTML.
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2022 08:30 by ADMIN
Initial content in content controls is recognized as a placeholder. This is easily visible in the Date Picker content control and results in the whole text being selected when the user clicks over the date value.
Last Updated: 04 Apr 2022 14:03 by Kamran
When exporting to HTML of a DOCX file, containing table cells, which span multiple GridColumn wide, their width is incorrectly calculated. This can lead to columns being smaller or larger than their original width and possibly being cut off from the page.
Last Updated: 20 Jul 2022 09:03 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.2.627 (27 Jun 2022)
Created by: min
Comments: 2
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report
Typing in Korean repeats symbols at the end. This breaks the input and the user is unable to enter the text desired.
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022 08:00 by Oliver
Italic font style and bold font weight are not rendered correctly with a specific font. Currently, this is reproducible with the "zurich-ltcn-bt-light" font.
Last Updated: 01 Mar 2024 07:13 by ADMIN

Working with PasteOptionsPopup may cause an exception in LayoutElement.SetParent. Very difficult to reproduce, having no consistent steps. Maybe it is related to undo of paste command, but there are no other clues aside from this.

   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutElement.SetParent(LayoutElement newParent)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.EnsureParent()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.LayoutBox.get_Parent()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.get_IsEndOfCell()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.GetFormattingSymbolVisual()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.Layout.FormattingSymbolLayoutBox.get_Text()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.SpanBoxPositionHandler.get_Location()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.DocumentWebLayoutPresenter.GetViewPointFromDocumentPosition(DocumentPosition position)
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.PasteOptionsPopup.CalculateLocation()
   bei Telerik.Windows.Controls.RichTextBoxUI.PasteOptionsPopup.OnOwnerLayoutUpdated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   bei System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.fireLayoutUpdateEvent()
   bei System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout()
   bei System.Windows.UIElement.UpdateLayout()
Last Updated: 15 Mar 2022 10:26 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.321 (21 Mar 2021)
Converting DOCX with EMF images to HTML and importing the resultant HTML leads to missing images.
Last Updated: 23 Feb 2022 11:53 by Hashitha
Create a shortcut for deleting the entire word before the caret, such  as the Ctrl+Backspace one available in MS Word.
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2022 14:46 by ADMIN
Release R1 2022 SP1
Validation visualization resets to show that contents are valid when a new validation error is added to an already failing state.
Last Updated: 03 Feb 2022 11:30 by ADMIN
Currently, RadRichTextBox supports the import and export of shapes from and to Office Open XML (DOCX). When exporting to PDF, the shapes are converted to images. When exporting to other formats the shapes are lost.
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022 11:07 by ADMIN
Scheduled for LIB 2022.1.411 (11 Apr 2022)
 The layout hangs when importing HTML with nested tables and setting the padding of all cells
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2022 08:17 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.214 (14 Feb 2022)
The HTML is not properly escaped and the writer throws InvalidOperationException.
Last Updated: 07 Feb 2022 13:57 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.2.207 (02 Feb 2022)
Inserting symbols using the windows emoji keyboard (WindowsKey + .) in RadRichTextBox results in two duplicate characters.
Last Updated: 08 Apr 2022 07:32 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2022.1.411 (11 Apr 2022)
In word, the focus is transferred to the Find and Replace dialog immediately after opening it.

In the RichTextBox control the focus is not set to the dialog when open. Selecting a word does properly add it to the dialog.
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2022 12:57 by ADMIN

In this feature, the existing text is overridden as the user types on it with the "Insert" key is pressed on the keyboard.

Workaround: Track the state of the Insert key and delete before inserting content using the KeyDown and CommandExecuting events:

private void MainDemoControl_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyboardDevice.IsKeyToggled(Key.Insert))
        this.isInsertKeyPressed = true;
        this.isInsertKeyPressed = false;    
private void radRichTextBox_CommandExecuting(object sender, CommandExecutingEventArgs e)
    if (e.Command is InsertTextCommand && this.isInsertKeyPressed)

Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022 07:33 by ADMIN
A complex table with merged cells cannot be imported. The table contains rows with no cells because of the merge.