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I am using a RadTreeListView with MaterialDesign theme in a Windows WPF application. By default the selected cell is indicated by a grey line at the bottom of the cell. I don't want an indication for the selected cell and used the advise from forum to change the style as follows:
<Style TargetType="telerik:GridViewCell" BasedOn="{StaticResource GridViewCellStyle}">
<Setter Property="CurrentBorderBrush" Value="Transparent"/>
This works fine.
But if changing the Windows application with Alt+Tab and then back to my application with Alt+Tab the cell selection (grey underline) is displayed.
Available in LIB version: 2017.2.522
Available in LIB version: 2017.2.605
Currently, setting HierarchyIndent property does not work as expected for nested rows.
private void RadTreeListView_Filtering(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.GridViewFilteringEventArgs e)
var treeListView = sender as RadTreeListView;
var internalColumns = treeListView.GetType().GetProperty("InternalColumns", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(treeListView);
internalColumns.GetType().GetProperty("ColumnWidthsCalculationPending", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(internalColumns, true);
private void RadTreeListView_Filtered(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.GridViewFilteredEventArgs e)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
var treeListView = sender as RadTreeListView;
var internalColumns = treeListView.GetType().GetProperty("InternalColumns", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(treeListView);
internalColumns.GetType().GetProperty("ColumnWidthsCalculationPending", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(internalColumns, false);
}), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Loaded);
The horizontal scrollbar of RadTreeListView is displayed even the setup suggest that it should not be. For example, this happens if you have a single column with its Width set to * which means that the RadGridView should span in the available space without the need of displaying a horizontal scrollbar. To recreate this the RowIndicatorVisibility property should be set to Collapsed. Additional to that there should be a hierarchy and the items should be expanded.
To work this around, you can set a fixed Width for the column. If you want this to be dynamic you can calculate the width on SizeChanged of RadTreeListView