Add feature for ECW files to be loaded as a map source.
Polyline object in VisualizationLayer is not updated if you clear its Points collection. The expected behavior is that the Polyline is not visible on the Map. As a workaround, you can remove the PolylineData directly from the Layer. this.layer.Items.Remove(polylineData);
Implement OpenStreetMap search provider. Similar to BingSearchProvider ( Currently , to implement location search with OpenStreetMap provider, you can use the Nominatim API:
When you have two providers - BingMapProvider and custom TiledProvider - and the map source of the second provider (the custom one) is changed, the updated provider is drawn under the provider defined before it in the Providers collection (the BingMapProvider). To work this around you can call the BingMapProvider's SetMapSource() method after the source of the custom provider is changed. // set the custom provider source bingMapProvider.SetMapSource(bingMapProvider.SupportedSources[0]);
There is a change in the Open Street Map Cycle and CylcleTransport services and they require an API key. Without it the service will returned tiles with a watermark saying "API KEY REQUIRED". Currently, the OpenStreetProvider doesn't expose a mechanism for providing a key. At this point you can provide a key by creating a custom map provider deriving from OpenStreeMapProvider and also a custom OsmTileMapSource. And override the original URL to use also an API Key. public class CustomOpenStreetMapProvider : OpenStreetMapProvider { public CustomOpenStreetMapProvider() { string sourceKey = (typeof(OpenStreetCycleTransportSource)).FullName; this.MapSources[sourceKey] = new CustomOpenStreetCycleTransportSource("your api key here"); } } public class CustomOpenStreetCycleTransportSource : OsmTileMapSource { private static string UrlFormat = @"http://{prefix}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}"; private string apiKey; public CustomOpenStreetCycleTransportSource(string apiKey) : base(UrlFormat) { this.apiKey = apiKey; } protected override Uri GetTile(int tileLevel, int tilePositionX, int tilePositionY) { Uri originalUri = base.GetTile(tileLevel, tilePositionX, tilePositionY); string newUri = originalUri.OriginalString.Replace("{apikey}", this.apiKey); return new Uri(newUri); } } <telerik:RadMap> <telerik:RadMap.Provider> <local:CustomOpenStreetMapProvider/> </telerik:RadMap.Provider> </telerik:RadMap>
Here maps has the ability to render map tiles with traffic. They include a freemium tier unlike some of the others.
Add an API to load Dark tiles in the provider.
This mode can be achieved by showing tiles from the Carto Dark tile server.
BirdsEye view doesn't work after trying to look at an area which does not contain birds eye imagery data Steps for reproducing: 1. Zoom into area with no birds eye view imagery data. Enable Birds eye view. Verify that no tiles are loaded. 2. Change back to Road view, navigate to an area where you know there is bird's eye view imagery. 3. Zoom into the area. Enable Bird's Eye view a second time: The tiles are not loaded. Reason for declination: The feedback item is declined due to duplication with the one below: Please follow it instead.
Many tasks on RadMap require smooth zooming for the better user experience. For example, floor plans or facility layouts. Default zoom increments are too large for those tasks. We should provide a way to make zoom smooth while keeping zoom level as integer value. DECLINED: Duplicate with
When the PathData contains Arc segment which looks as vertical half-circle then it is not displayed in VisualizationLayer.
Add support for MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles. Information:
Currently users need to find the crreect ItemsPresenter in code behind and export it with telerik ExportExtensions methods.
In the KML file , Locations are separated witch commas instead of whitespaces , for example: 34.84161774,32.11002378,0,34.8416625,32.10999705,0 The RadMap produces "Input string is in icorrect format" exception. However, other tools read the kml file successfully.
Map with ItemsSource bound to collection is hosted in RadPane . By closing the pane or by using LoadLayout() of RadPane - NulReferenceException is thrown. Available in LIB version: 2015.1.1603