Polyline object in VisualizationLayer is not updated if you clear its Points collection. The expected behavior is that the Polyline is not visible on the Map. As a workaround, you can remove the PolylineData directly from the Layer. this.layer.Items.Remove(polylineData);
Add feature for ECW files to be loaded as a map source.
Here maps has the ability to render map tiles with traffic. They include a freemium tier unlike some of the others.
Add an API to load Dark tiles in the provider.
This mode can be achieved by showing tiles from the Carto Dark tile server.
Currently shape readers (KML, ESRI shape, SQL Geospatial) don't provide information about unsupported elements in sequence. They should either return list of the detected unsupported elements or throw €œUnsupported€ exception.
Visualization layers are removed from the RadMap in a moment when MapShapeData objects are being processes (their geometries are processed). This leads to exception in MapShapeData.cs ' SetLogicalWidth method. Available in R2 2017 SP
There is a change in the Open Street Map Cycle and CylcleTransport services and they require an API key. Without it the service will returned tiles with a watermark saying "API KEY REQUIRED". Currently, the OpenStreetProvider doesn't expose a mechanism for providing a key. At this point you can provide a key by creating a custom map provider deriving from OpenStreeMapProvider and also a custom OsmTileMapSource. And override the original URL to use also an API Key. public class CustomOpenStreetMapProvider : OpenStreetMapProvider { public CustomOpenStreetMapProvider() { string sourceKey = (typeof(OpenStreetCycleTransportSource)).FullName; this.MapSources[sourceKey] = new CustomOpenStreetCycleTransportSource("your api key here"); } } public class CustomOpenStreetCycleTransportSource : OsmTileMapSource { private static string UrlFormat = @"http://{prefix}.tile.thunderforest.com/transport/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={apikey}"; private string apiKey; public CustomOpenStreetCycleTransportSource(string apiKey) : base(UrlFormat) { this.apiKey = apiKey; } protected override Uri GetTile(int tileLevel, int tilePositionX, int tilePositionY) { Uri originalUri = base.GetTile(tileLevel, tilePositionX, tilePositionY); string newUri = originalUri.OriginalString.Replace("{apikey}", this.apiKey); return new Uri(newUri); } } <telerik:RadMap> <telerik:RadMap.Provider> <local:CustomOpenStreetMapProvider/> </telerik:RadMap.Provider> </telerik:RadMap>
Map has 2 providers initially - BingMapProvider and Custom Provider A. Runtime we remove A and add B - other custom provider. As a result - the image from bingmapprovider (world continents) is not displayed. As a workaround, users need to clear all providers and then Add BingMapProvider then add provider B.
Concurreny issue - exception in PathGeometryData.GetScreeenGeometry() when the geometry is updated runtime. Custom MapGeometryView which updates its GeometryData runtime. This leads to cocncurrency issue in VisualizationLayer and its shape processcing code. This leads to Exception in GetScreenGemetry() method of PathGeometryData.
The method UpdateShapeData of MapShapebindableWrapper should be protected or at least protected internal so that it would be possible to inherit from that class.
An OutOfMemmoryException is thrown under the following conditions: 1. The map displays its data using the VisualizationLayer populated with MapShapeData object. 2. The zoom level is changed to Neighborhood using the Zoom button from the map's navigation. 3. The zoom button is hovered Note: The MapShapeData should be visible when the zoom is applied The exception is not reproducible if the project's Platform is set to x64. Since Q1 2016, the BitMapCaching of RadMap is turned off by default and the issue is not reproducible unless you turn the caching on. Possible Workarounds: - the exception is not reproducible if the project's Platform is set to x64 - double check that UseBitMapCahe property of the Visualizationlayer is set to False. When False, the issue is not reproducible.
Currently the SQL GeospatialDataReaders do not support binding to source - collection of DataRows. You store the data in the datarows for example like si row["Geometry"] ="PolyGone((Point 1, ....))" but there is no property you can set for GeospatialPropertyName in order to retrive this Geometry data.
Currently, when you use the BingRestMapProvider and the BingRestSearchLocationRequest the found locations are formatted using the System.Text.Encoding.Default encoding. This way if the found location contains unsupported characters they won't be shown properly. Introduce a property for the BingRestSearchLocationRequest class that allows you to set the Encoding.
Map with ItemsSource bound to collection is hosted in RadPane . By closing the pane or by using LoadLayout() of RadPane - NulReferenceException is thrown. Available in LIB version: 2015.1.1603