RadPane setting CanFloat, CanUserPin & CanUserClose to false, ContextMenuTemplate="{x:Null}" and PaneHeaderVisibility="Collapsed" still leaves a small part of the header visible and clickable. If there is any work-around can you please let me know. Version 2014.3.1202.45, using Framework 4.5 with VS2013.
Currently when ScaleTransform is used ether on the RadDocking control or its container the compasses/drop cues which are shown when docking a RadPane instance have incorrect scaling and are placed incorrectly. By design the control's scaling is determined by the scaling of the OS environment.
Changing the theme at runtime causes any horizontal ScrollBar inside the content of a RadPane to be scrolled to its end Available with the 2015 Q3 release.
The AutoHide area is closing when clicking at WinForms control placed in it. The issue also can be reproduced with WebBrowser or any object of MarshalByRefObject type placed in the AutoHideArea.
This happens in particular scenario after saving/loading the layout.
This only happens whenever the Panes are docked one above another in the DocumentHost.
Available in LIB version 2015.2.817, it will be also available in the 2015 Q3 Release.
Provide a sorted collection of the RadPane instances which would be activated by the built-in ActivationManager. This would make it possible to get the order of the currently shown ToolWindow instances.
As a user I would like RadPane to have tooltips for show options, pin and close.
Currently the arrow buttons appear only when the TabStripPlacement is set to top.
Currently TabStripPlacement property is not stored on a RadPaneGroup as part of the xml when calling SaveLayout. The result is when this has been set to say "top", loading the same layout then causes all docked panes in the group to switch tab placement to the default of bottom - which is not the same as it was.