The compass is out of place when specific height is set to the dock and the window is made smaller than the docking height
The default behavior is to set the pane as active one when is shown. Allow changing this behavior.
Possible work-around of this problem: private void RadDocking_ElementLoaded ( object sender, LayoutSerializationEventArgs e ) { if ( e.AffectedElement is RadPaneGroup ) { var PaneGroup = e.AffectedElement as RadPaneGroup; var Panes = PaneGroup.EnumeratePanes().ToList(); var SelectedIndex = PaneGroup.SelectedIndex; for ( int Index = 0; Index < Panes.Count; Index++ ) { if ( ( Panes[ Index ].IsHidden || !Panes[ Index ].IsPinned ) && Index <= SelectedIndex ) { SelectedIndex++; } } PaneGroup.SelectedIndex = SelectedIndex; } }
When a pane is unpinned, mouse over it in order to show. After that when the mouse is removed from the pane it flickers before the animation is started.
Panes that are autohidden are cut if resized too much - this is due to limitation in WPF that popups should not cover more than 75% of the screen.
Return undocked pane to its previous docked state when double click on its Header.
Yes please!
With three split containers in one other and no document host resizing between the first and second containers causes the first and third containers to resize, instead of the first and second containers.
Changing theme runtime when we have a floating RadPane, then dock it into one of the sides of an already docked RadPane and no splitter will show between them. Happens with implicit theming as well.
Add overloads for LoadLayout and SaveLayout methods of the Docking control with parameter of type XElement instead of Stream. Change the Save/Load layout code to use LinqToXML instead of XmlReader and XmlWriter.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Start the WPF Controls Example application on a terminal server 2. Select Docking example 3. Try to move a floating windows by dragging it with the mouse 4. The window will move for a split second, but stop moving after that. (It behaves as if the mouse button was released after the initial move)
The DocumentHost RadPane support overflow scrolling and drop down menu similar to the DocumentHost in VisualStudio and RadTabControl. We would like this feature implemented for the non DocumentHost areas as well.
Add better layout-related events for the Docking control like PreviewPaneStateChanged and improved the arguments of the PaneStateChanged event. Also add events for resizing of a SplitContainer, moving a ToolWindow, etc.
Add shortcuts like: - close a pane by mousewheel click on the tab - close the active pane by keyboard shortcut (e.g. Ctrl + W) - switch active pane by Ctrl + Tab
As a <role> I want <ability> so that <benefit>.