Last Updated: 24 Jun 2022 11:35 by Bruno
Double-taping on the corner of the window multiple times displays a gray border. At this point, minimizing the main window results in a blurred rectangle remaining where the RadWindow used to be.
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2021 11:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Christian
Comments: 0
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request
Support the Snap Layout feature of Windows 11.
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2021 11:30 by ADMIN
We can expose a property/ies to easily customize the header border of the window.
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2021 13:39 by ADMIN
Created by: Rob A.
Comments: 2
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request

There should be an easy method to add/override the shadow of a RadWindow. Either via XAML attributes or code behind.

It would probably be good to allow the override of BlurRadius, Direction, and ShadowDepth.
For example (mockup):

<telerik:RadWindow x:Class="MyRadWindow"
        Header="Settings" WindowStartupLocation="CenterOwner" SizeToContent="True" ResizeMode="NoResize" MinWidth="500" MaxWidth="900"    DropShadowOverride="True" DropShadowOverrideBlurRadius="10" DropShadowOverrideDirection"-90", DropShadowOverrideDepth="3" DropShadowOverrideColor="White">
    <!-- UI code -->

Last Updated: 08 Apr 2019 11:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Zlatina
Comments: 0
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2018 08:20 by Dinko
Created by: Tino
Comments: 1
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request
Provide out of box text wrapping in predefined dialogs.

All Windows messageboxes from Win95 have this possibility. 
Telerik in 2018 does not have this possibility, except through additional templates and additional code. 

Why to buy 
Last Updated: 01 Aug 2018 15:54 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 15 Mar 2018 15:07 by Vladimir
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2018 11:23 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 21 Dec 2017 16:46 by ADMIN
To resolve this remove the MinWidth setting. You can set it back when the window is restored.

private double myMinWidth;
private void Window_WindowStateChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            var window = (RadWindow)sender;
            if (window.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)
                this.myMinWidth = window.MinWidth;
                window.MinWidth = 0;
                window.MinWidth = this.myMinWidth;
Last Updated: 16 Nov 2016 11:44 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2016 09:30 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2016 09:30 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 23 Dec 2022 14:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Vladi
Comments: 3
Category: Window
Type: Feature Request
The default Window control exposes an TaskbarItemInfo (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.window.taskbariteminfo%28v=vs.110%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396) which is useful for manipulating the taskbar item of the Window instance.
Last Updated: 03 Jan 2017 20:22 by ADMIN
Property for example.
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2019 14:13 by ADMIN
When creating themed applications using RadControls, the standard Windows MessageBox control looks out of place.  With that in mind, the predefined RadWindows (Alert and Confirm) seem to be natural replacements for a typical MessageBox.  

However, when these dialogs open, they are silent  That is, they don't play any error, warning, or question sounds like the standard MessageBox - which makes them seem "strange" when used as a replacement.

Adding sounds to (for instance) the Alert window is fairly simple and can be accomplished like this:

RadWindow.Alert(new DialogParameters()
    Content = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock {
        Text = ex.Message, Width = 250, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap },
    Header = "Update Error",
    Opened = (alertDialog, eventArgs) => System.Media.SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play()

Though, it'd be nice if the ability to play a sound was built-in.  I'd suggest that the DialogParameters class used to customize the predefined dialogs be extended to support a SystemSound member of type System.Media.SystemSounds which, if defined, would play the specified sound when the dialog opens.
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2016 09:29 by LittleDragon
When the Window is opening or resizing and Winforms controls are placed inside its content the content flickers.
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