InvalidOperationException in FilteringViewModel.ClearFilters()
Change AlternateRowBackground (runtime) has only effects after scrolling in grid or after rebinding it.
The expanded state of the hierarchical item is not preserved when searching thought search panel for something that is not found and clearing search text.
Add Option to disable autoBring into View the focused RadGridView unit.
GridView ColumnGroup Header does not refresh when bound to view model
Currently, when a user selects multiple rows, but skips a few, and then copies, the data in the Clipboard will look as if the selected rows were in an uninterrupted sequence. Unselected columns, on the other hand, leave a "hole" in the clipboard data. This
When KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation is set to Once, RadGridView does not lose the focus after the second time it's focused.
When DragElementAction="ExtendedSelect" in GridView is set, there is a problem with the deselecting behaviour. Ctrl + click no longer deselects the row. The problem should be resolved with lib version 2015.3.1019.
We noticed that RadGridView does not get garbagecollected sometimes.
So i fired up a memory analyzer to see what is going on.
This is the graph that shows that the RadGridView is causing a leak. The only references that keep the GridView from getting collected are those two WeakEventListeners
To further investigate i decompiled GridViewDataControl and could identify the culprit.
private void SubscribeToDispatcherShutdown()
if (this.dispatcherShutdownListener != null)
this.dispatcherShutdownListener = new WeakEventListener<GridViewDataControl, object, EventArgs>(this);
this.dispatcherShutdownListener.OnEventAction = (Action<GridViewDataControl, object, EventArgs>) ((grid, source, eventArgs) => grid.OnDispatcherShutdownFinished(source, eventArgs));
this.dispatcherShutdownListener.OnDetachAction = (Action<WeakEventListener<GridViewDataControl, object, EventArgs>>) (weakEventListener => this.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished -= new EventHandler(this.dispatcherShutdownListener.OnEvent));
this.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished += new EventHandler(this.dispatcherShutdownListener.OnEvent);
In the second line from the botton
... weakEventListener => this.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished -
HeaderCheckBoxStyle of GridViewSelectColumn returns TextBlock as Header in Office2013 theme
GridViewColumn's IsVisible Binding breaks when you create an instance of a usercontrol.
QueryableEntityCoreCollectionView internal collections not in sync.
Currently, there is no workaround to this behavior.
1. Define a custom AggregateFunction for a column 2. Group on a column 3. A calculation on the AggregateFunction is invoked 3. The Grouping.Key (of the input parameter) corresponds to the correct key 4. Edit a value on the column (having the AggregateFunction) 5. A calculation is invoked, but the Grouping.Key is "1" and not the correct key.
As Windows application use a common clipboard, there is a potential risk for causing a ComInterop exception while copying data from RadGridView. Workaround: Process exceptions in application logic