The fix will be available in the R1 2018 SP2 Release.
Should be simple, but it just doesn't show I have the latest version of telerik
I know the Transitioncontrol have the MotionBlurredZoomTransition, the effect is better for image ,but not UI content,especially when the UI use the simple color,the MotionBlurredZoomTransition effect is weak,I find the RadCalendar control with the cool zoom animation,How to realize? the other question:How to realize the book turning animation with the Transitioncontrol ?
It seems that on some devices a touch with the Stylus doesn't fire the WPF native Touch events. Only the Stylus events will be fired. Because the TouchManager internally works only with the WPF Touch events, the manager's events are not fired.
When using Two-way binding and the RadListBoxSelectedItemsBehavior for RadListBox's SelectedItems, the items are not re-added to the Visual Tree after the theme is changed at runtime.
when only one data ,the Chart3D Bar drawing will exceed the floor,looking the attachments pls.
css style like the background color for the pinned rows can be different from the rows in the grid to differentiate the rows
CartesianCustomLineAnnotation should allow for rendering options (2D, Bitmap, default) to allow for a consistent visual appearance.
It would be nice if the Telerik UI for WPF VSExtensions detected usage of UI for WPF in class libraries (e.g. a WPF UserControl Library).. This would allow the Upgrade Wizard / configure Project wizards can also work on the class libraries, too.
This is a MVVM helper that could be used to decrease the coupling between the view models.
The event args for the RadDocking.ActivePaneChanged are named "ActivePangeChangedEventArgs" which I'm assuming is a typo for "ActivePaneChangedEventArgs".
Hi support, I've mixed RibbonWindow Sample and Prism with ReagionManager and RadDocking in this sample. When I try to dock a derived RadPane (e.g. OutputView or others) in center of the compass menu the derived RadPane Header is not shown as a tab in the split container. Only pure RadPane instances (c.f. "_regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("DockingRegion", typeof(RadPane)); " in FileServicesModule class will dock in correct manner.
Please can you add xlsm file support to RadSpreadProcessing.
Introduce support for AutoCad files in a fixed document viewer.
In addition to the great nuget packages, could we also get Nuget packages with symbols baked in?
Improve the support for async operations. Currently, if the db data context is shared between the collection and another consumer, issues could occur.
When new product features are released it would be useful to show a short introduction for users. View to see a similar solution for web development
We use 'xmlns:telerik=""' in our application. The problem is that DrapAndDrop does not work anymore, no Events are fired. Since our last release we didn't change anything at our UI and as I tried a few days ago to drag something in the application and nothing happened. Did something change with the previous mentioned reference? What are possible solutions? Thank you in advance