We want to have the option to replace texts only in a selected part of the document.
Use Notepad++ as a reference to check this feature.
Default keystroke in other editors to activate text replacement is: ctrl+H
Would be nive to enable this in the syntax editor.
Shift + Alt + Down Selection then typing multiple characters results in all of them being typed in all selected lines.
Shift + Alt _ Down Selection then typing multiple characters results in only the first one being typed in all lines, then selection is lost and next chars are inserted in the last selected line only.
//using System;
//usign System.Windows.Controls;
Two consecutive lines with commented using sections result in ArgumentOutOfRangeException in SyntaxEditor with CSharpFoldingTagger.
/* and */ words are start /end words for multiline comments in C#/SQL/VB
They should be outside strings when they form a comment block.
Character data sections are not recognized and colored by the XmlTagger in SyntaxEditor.
Visual Studio:
Also parsing such elements is wrong:
Expanded OK:
Collapsed BUG (Node is closed but it shouldnt):
issue 2 - single line CDATA does not need folding button
Good morning,
can You implement in one of the next releases the regex and case sensitive search? I provided you the Visual Studio 2019 search screenshot
When the variation is changed in the VisualStudio2013 theme, the Foreground is not updated.
As a workaround, you can reset the Template of the control:
var template = this.syntaxEditor.Template;
this.syntaxEditor.Template = null;
this.syntaxEditor.Template = template;
After putting a folding region out of the viewport by scrolling and then bringing it back, the folding region is not drawn correctly when typing new lines into it.
In some scenarios, an ArgumentException is thrown when a folding region with selected text is collapsed. An example can be seen below:
When the control is inside ScrollViewer and you click it, focus is lost and caret disappears. Some controls have built in ScrollViewer , for example LayoutControl so placing the editor in LayoutControl also leads to the same issue.
Generally placing the syntaxeditor in scrollviewer is risky for the vertical virtualization so at least a height should be set to the control. In R2 2020 SP, an exception will be thrown if Syntax Editor with no height is added in scroll viewer or stack panel or other panel which measures vertically with infinity.
Workaround for this issue:
private void syntaxEditor_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)For example:
some text // some comment
some text 2 // some comment 2
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: span
at Telerik.Windows.SyntaxEditor.Core.Text.DataStructures.ConcatenationRopeNode.GetText(Span span) in C:\WPF_Scrum\Current\Controls\SyntaxEditor\SyntaxEditor.Core\Text\DataStructures\ConcatenationRopeNode.cs:line 140SyntaxEditor is in RadListBoxItem.
Entering space key does not produce text change and gets the focus lost our of the editor.
private void RadSyntaxEditor_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Space)
(sender as RadSyntaxEditor).Insert(" ");
e.Handled = true;
SyntaxEditor showing XML/Html/XAML File and XMlFoldingTagger is registered.
Deleting the last bracket symbol ">" results in exception in XMLFoldingTagger.cs