Currently, showing a dialog can take 10-20 seconds when started in DEBUG mode. And 3-5 seconds RELEASE mode. Improve the loading time. A little way to speed up is to set ExpandToCurrentDirectory to False.
Like in MS Win 32 OpenFileDialog - thumbnails with preview or details about the selected file. Check the attached images for better clarification.
Currently dialogs provide only custom places pane.
Add auto-populated built-in section with well-known quick access like in the MS file dialogs.
Provide built-in support for the following combinations:
fileDialog.CustomPlaces.Add(@"C:\Users\<user name>\OneDrive");
This might be a public event (File/FolderSelecting) or property (IsSelectable) of the FileSystemInfoWrapper but user will need a mechanism to set it (control over the file/folder wrapper creation). For example some files might be visible and not filtered in main pane but should be disabled for user selection.
Currently RadFileDialogs do not provide such tooltips when hovering files and folders. Check the attached image for clarification.