Implement functionality to rotate the text in a cell.
Provide the ability to work with images in headers/footers of a worksheet. Note that large images put in headers are visualized as watermarks on printing/exporting to PDF.
XLSB is binary format that should theoretically allow fast reading and writing to the file.
At this point, the formatting can be applied only to the whole cell content.
Check how the performance can be improved in this scenario. The StyleGallery is taking much time to load, the GetUsedCellRange method is called multiple times.
we have an Excel export in our software that we solved via Telerik Spreadsheet.
An exported Excel Table can also contain images.
These pictures are inserted as shape objects.
The Placement Property is set to xlMove (xlPlacement Enum) in Excel.
If you now filter the data in Excel, the images remain and are not hidden.
We therefore need a way of being able to change this Placement Property to the Value xlMoveAndSize
It would be very desirable if this option were made available in Telerik Spreadsheet as our customers urgently need it.
Add support for pivot tables.
Grouping is a mechanism to organize data in sections, in order to be able to show and hide the relevant chunks. Each row or column which is part of a group is assigned an outline level, which determines the level of grouping and from there which rows or columns it is grouped with.
Enable copy-paste of content from and to Excel, preserving all of the applied formatting, styles and images. Currently, RadSpreadsheet supports only CSV for exchanging clipboard data with Excel, and all formatting (including number formats and data validation) is lost.
- Async parse of single xml file to speed-up the import - Allow to import only part of the file - Respect the widths of the columns and row heights and do not measure them first time in the WorksheetLayout or measure them for the current Viewport only - Inserting rows/columns also need improvements in terms of performance.
Add support for creating Tables and applying tables styles (predefined ones or custom).
At this point, the ribbon and the context menu are not localized out of the box and the users need to change the strings manually.
Currently, the customers can bind data only to the Workbook property of RadSpreadsheet. Allow them binding cell range to a data source.
Add support for import and export of Excel Template files (XLTS) file format.
Among the other worksheet protection options, the customers can choose options like "Select locked cells" and "Select unlocked cells", enable or disable formatting options, insertion or deletion of different elements. These settings at the moment are not supported
When RadSpreadsheet is placed inside a data template and the Workbook property is bound, the binding fails. In the Convert() method of the debug converter, the proper value is set. However, an empty workbook is displayed in the view.