Description: add a RadCommandBar and Dock it to the Left. Add several CommandBarToggleButton and CommandBarButton items and set their StretchHorizontally property to true and StretchVertically property to false. Save changes, close the designer and open it again. The settings are not kept.
To reproduce: 1.Add RadCommandBar with one CommandBarStripElement and items to a form 2.Float the strip 3.Save the layout 4.Close the form 5.Open the form 6.Load the layout
To reproduce: radCommandBar1.Dock = DockStyle.Left; CommandBarToggleButton toggleButton = new CommandBarToggleButton(); toggleButton.Text = "some text"; toggleButton.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; toggleButton.DrawText = true; radCommandBar1.Rows[0].Strips[0].Items.Add(toggleButton); radCommandBar1.Rows[0].Strips[0].Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
FIX. RadCommandBar - selecting default item for CommandBarSplitButton prevents the drop down from being opened
PopUpOpened event does not fire then the CommandBarDropDownList is created runtime.
To reproduce: - add command bar to a form and dock it top - add button below the command bar and dock it fill - click the command bar and try to open the Rows collection editor from the properties window
To reproduce: -add CommandBarDropDownButton and add several items of type RadMenuButtonItem; -use the following code: this.commandBarDropDownButton1.DropDownMenu.DropDownClosed += DropDownMenu_DropDownClosed; private void DropDownMenu_DropDownClosed(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPopupClosedEventArgs args) { RadDropDownMenu dropDownMenu = sender as RadDropDownMenu; if (dropDownMenu != null) { CommandBarDropDownButton commandBarDropDownButton = dropDownMenu.Owner as CommandBarDropDownButton; commandBarDropDownButton.Text = dropDownMenu.ClickedItem.Text.ToString(); } } ClickedItem is null only in case of RadMenuButtonItem. Workaround: public class CustomCommandBarDropDownButton : CommandBarDropDownButton { protected override void CreateChildElements() { base.CreateChildElements(); this.DropDownMenu = new CustomDropDownMenu(this); } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(CommandBarDropDownButton); } } } public class CustomDropDownMenu : RadDropDownMenu { public CustomDropDownMenu(RadElement ownerElement) : base(ownerElement, null) { } public override string ThemeClassName { get { return typeof(RadDropDownMenu).FullName; } } protected override void OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e) { RadMenuItemBase menuItem = this.GetMenuItemAtPoint(e.Location); if (menuItem is RadMenuButtonItem) { FieldInfo field = typeof(RadDropDownMenu).GetField("clickedItem", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); field.SetValue(this, menuItem); } base.OnMouseClick(e); } }
Description:If I set the VisibleInStrip property on a CommandBarButton to false, I can still click on the button. To reproduce: 1.First Scenario: -add a RadCommandBar with one CommandBarStripElement; -add 3 CommandBarButtons separated by CommandBarSeparator; -add Click event handler to each button; -set VisibleInStrip=false to the second button of the CommandBarButtons; Try to click the area between the existing two CommandBarSeparators; As a result the Click event is fired for the hidden second button. 2.Second Scenario: -add a RadCommandBar with one CommandBarStripElement; -add 3 CommandBarButtons; -add Click event handler to each button; -set VisibleInStrip=false to the second button of the CommandBarButtons; In some cases clicking the area over the first button fires the Click event of the hidden button. Workaround: Use commandBarButton1.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed;