Last Updated: 30 Nov 2020 11:46 by ADMIN



Please find attached image, its all described there.


Many Regards


Last Updated: 04 May 2020 09:51 by ADMIN
Created by: James
Comments: 1
Category: CommandBar
Type: Bug Report

Just reporting problem at this time.  Do not need an immediate resolution.

Problem Found:  Tooltip text for command bar items (i.e. possibly in other tooltips outside of command bar) does not scale with the DPI setting along with the rest of the form.  Tooltip text always appears only at 100% DPI font size and not higher.

Please note:  I tested this by using two monitors set to 1) 1920x1080 at 100% scaling and 2) 3840x2160 at 200% scaling and dragging the application back and forth between the two monitors. 

Last Updated: 19 Jan 2018 13:24 by ADMIN
How to reproduce: add a pdf navigator to a form and dock it to Top, then add a pdf viewer and dock it to fill. Run the application and you will notice a gap between the navigator and the RadPdfViewer control.

Workaround: instead of docking, use anchors or a TableLayoutPanel.
Last Updated: 08 Nov 2016 14:15 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
- Dock the command bar inside a tool window (to left).
- Add four buttons to the strip.
- Set the VisibleInStrip property of the one button to false.
- When the application is started the last button is outside the strip.

The issue is reproduced when commandbar is docked directly in the form not just the tool window.

Workaround - Use the Visibility property instead.
Last Updated: 17 Oct 2016 06:07 by ADMIN
To reproduce:

1. Run the application and click the button. A message box appears. Close the message box.
2. Minimize the form and restore it to normal state.
3. Click the button again. You will encounter an error because the CommandBarDropDownList.SelectedItem property is set to null.


 private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.commandBarDropDownList1.DropDownAnimationEnabled = false;

     Product product = this.commandBarDropDownList1.SelectedItem.DataBoundItem as Product;

Last Updated: 02 Sep 2016 12:43 by ADMIN
To reproduce:

1. Add a RadCommandBar with several items
2. Add CommandBarTextBox and change its size to have 200 px width .
3. Set the CommandBarTextBox.TextBoxElement.TextAlign property to Right in order to align the text to the right. The designer shows the correct text alignment. However, this setting is not serialized in the designer file and when you run the application the text is left aligned.
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2016 11:46 by ADMIN
this.commandBarSplitButton1.MinSize = new Size(this.commandBarSplitButton1.Size.Width + 10, 0);

Last Updated: 29 Mar 2016 11:45 by ADMIN
To reproduce:
1. Add a RadCommandBar with a CommandBarButton.
2. Add a RadDateTimePicker, a RadMultiColumnComboBox, a ComboBox, a DateTimePicker. Subscribe to their Validating event.
3. Add a shortcut for the CommandbarButton:

Me.CommandBarButton1.ShowKeyboardCues = True
Me.CommandBarButton1.UseMnemonic = True
Me.CommandBarButton1.Shortcuts.Add(New RadShortcut(Keys.Alt, Keys.F))

Note that when you focus one of the added controls in 2. and press Alt+F, the CommandBarButton.Click event is fired, but the Validating event for the previously focused control is not fired. This behavior is not observed for RadButton for example.


Public Class Form1

    Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As Message, keyData As Keys) As Boolean
        Select Case keyData
            Case (Keys.Alt Or Keys.F)
                Exit Select

        End Select
End Class
Last Updated: 15 Aug 2017 12:09 by Stevens
The issue exists with RadMenuItem as well!


public class CustomCommandBarButton : CommandBarButton
    protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
        MouseEventArgs args = e as MouseEventArgs;
        if (args.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)

    protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType     
            return typeof(CommandBarButton);     
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2016 11:44 by Jesse Dyck
Since the settings are serialized, the buttons does not have hover, pressed and other effects.

Workaround: instead of making the buttons protected, apply this setting to RadCommandBar control and expose the buttons as properties.
Last Updated: 15 Aug 2017 09:33 by ADMIN
Add the possibility to change the owner CommandBarRowElement of a CommandBarStripElement at design time.