ADD. RadPageView - create new strip items layout mode, allowing to arrange them in rows.
This feature request refers to RadPageView in Strip ViewMode, which supports a multi-line StripElement. Thus StripItems will appear in different lines.
Add functionality for resizing the tabs of RadPageView pages (resizing the RadPageViewPageItem). Resolution : This functionality can be achieved with the MinSize/MaxSize properties. For example: radPageViewPage1.Item.MinSize = new Size(150, 30);
RadPageView has ten pages. Each page contains TableLayoutPanel (2 columns and 10 rows) and in each cell there is RadControl (textBox, checkbox etc). The result is that when pages are being changed, RadPageView show slow performance. Same scenario with standard controls works well. Further investigations on the case show this: "I had the same issue and I found other workaround. In my case I had TableLayoutPanel with RadSplittButton in each cell and each RadSplitButon was set as Dock = Fill. If I set AutoSize = false for RadSplitButton then the performance was ok and everything looks ok too."
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a form with RadPageView on it 2. Add RadPageViewPage 3. In the designer file there will be the following line: // TODO: Code generation for '' failed because of Exception 'Invalid Primitive Type: System.IntPtr. Consider using CodeObjectCreateExpression.'.
The Image property of any RadPageViewPage cannot be set from the Visual Style Builder. The only way to set the image is through code.
Add a Visible property to RadPageView Pages for all modes
IMPROVE. RadPageView - in ExplorerBar mode, add a method which will scroll the item into view and the item will be on the top on the control. Currently, the ScrollToItem method, scrolls to the item and whenever it finds it the scrolling is stopped. Alternatively, add a method which will ensure that the item and its content are is visible. Resolution: Add the ScrollToControl method. Please take a look at the following code snippet how to use it: RadPageViewExplorerBarElement view = radPageView1.ViewElement as RadPageViewExplorerBarElement; view.ScrollToControl(control);
Add functionality to the control for selecting pages using access keys.
ADD. RadPageView - allow RadPageViewItems to accept other RadElements. Currently, they are not arranged.
There should be a method called BeginEdit of the item, which puts it in edit mode. Also, when the user pressed F2 the item should begin editing. The latter should be controlled via AllowEdit property.
RadPageView - Add support for Kinetic Scrolling.
There should be such property which is available in the properties window. The property should get/set the default selected page for a RadPageView when it is loaded for the first time. Also, this property should not be affected by changing the selected page in the Visual Studio designer.
To reproduce: - Add RadPageView change the view to ExplorerBar and add some pages with controls. - Start the application expand all pages and scroll. Workaround: class MyPageView : RadPageView { protected override RadPageViewElement CreateUI() { if (this.ViewMode == PageViewMode.ExplorerBar) { return new MyExplorerBarElement(); } return base.CreateUI(); } } class MyExplorerBarElement : RadPageViewExplorerBarElement { protected override bool IsChildElementExternal(Telerik.WinControls.RadElement element) { return !(element is RadPageViewElementBase) && base.IsChildElementExternal(element); } protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType { get { return typeof(RadPageViewExplorerBarElement); } } }
To reproduce: please refer to the attached sample project and gif file. The purpose is to select the last added page. However, the multi-line tabs are not ordered correctly at all compared to the TabControl.
At the moment the items in a similar setup can be navigated using the arrow keys
Let's say that you have a RadForm with a RadPageView in it. This pageview has several pages in it. In one of the pages there are a RadGroupBox with a RadLabel in it and a RadLabel directly placed on the page. At design-time the groupbox and the labels have the backcolor of the page. At runtime, these controls get the color of the RadForm. However, the behavior should be one and the same.
It appears that when the contents of the RadPageViewPage is changed its height stays the same. fig1 shows the height before content is modified fig2 shows the height after content is modified(pressing ‘Next’ button), fig3 shows the height after one of the RadPageViewPage tabs is clicked, clicking 'Next' after that keeps the same height. It appears that if a tab is clicked the RadPageView resizes itself. So how can I make the RadPageView resize itself to its content programmatically. Workaround: increase and decrease the Width of RadPageView to force the layout. rpv.Width += 1; rpv.Width -= 1;
1. Place a RadPageView in ExplorerBar view mode on a from. 2. Add page and place any RadControl in the page content panel. 3. Close (Collapse) the page. 4. Save and close the form. 5. Open the form and open(expand) the page and you will see that the control will be stretched more than when you saved the form.
Show the focus cue of the selected tab in a StripView RadPageView.