Observed behavior:
Expected behavior:
Observed behavior:
Expected behavior:
To reproduce:
1.Create new RadTreeView
2.Create new ImageList and populate
3.Assign ImageList to RadTreeView
4.Open Property Builder
5.Assign Image to a Node, Apply, Close
6.Re-Open, change Node to a different Image, the previous image remains
Expected: the new image is successfully updated.
Actual: the old image remains:
Workaround: add RadTreeNodes at run time.
When the CheckBox of a RadTreeNode is checked programmatically, the Unknown Action parameter needs to be passed to the NodeCheckedChanging/ed event.
To reproduce: private void RadTreeView1_NodeCheckedChanging(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadTreeViewCancelEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Action); } The action is always unknown.
Add a possibility to set the auto-expand delay on drag-drop in RadTreeView.
Please run the attached sample project and follow the steps illustrated in the gif file. You will notice the following behavior:
If you select multiple items/nodes and then right click on the last selected item/node, the context menu comes up as expected and multiple selection is kept. But if you right click on any other item/node that is selected,the selected nodes become unselected and only the node you are over becomes selected.
The multiple selection is kept in Windows Explorer and VS Solution explorer wne you right click over an already selected node.
public RadForm1()
this.radTreeView1.MultiSelect = true;
this.radTreeView1.AllowDefaultContextMenu = true;
class CustomTreeViewElement : RadTreeViewElement
protected override Type ThemeEffectiveType
return typeof(RadTreeViewElement);
protected override bool ProcessMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
RadContextMenu menu = this.ContextMenu;
RadTreeNode node = this.GetNodeAt(e.Location);
if (node!=null)
node.Selected = true;
if (node != null && node.ContextMenu != null)
menu = node.ContextMenu;
if (menu == null && this.AllowDefaultContextMenu)
menu = this.InitializeDefaultContextMenu(node);
if (menu != null)
RadControl parentControl = (this.ElementTree.Control as RadControl);
if (parentControl != null)
menu.ThemeName = parentControl.ThemeName;
menu.DropDown.RightToLeft = parentControl.RightToLeft;
TreeViewContextMenuOpeningEventArgs args = new TreeViewContextMenuOpeningEventArgs(node, menu, this);
if (!args.Cancel)
menu.Show(this.ElementTree.Control, e.Location);
return true;
return base.ProcessMouseDown(e);
class CustomTreeView : RadTreeView
protected override RadTreeViewElement CreateTreeViewElement()
return new CustomTreeViewElement();
public override string ThemeClassName
return typeof(RadTreeView).FullName;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
case 0x7b:
base.WndProc(ref m);
Use the following code:
public RadForm1()
// This XML contains a simple tree with a root node having 3 children, the first of which is intended to be Bold
var xml = "<TreeView xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" MultiSelect=\"true\" AllowDragDrop=\"true\" LabelEdit=\"true\" AllowDrop=\"true\"> <Nodes Text=\"New Package\" Expanded=\"true\" ImageKey=\"Package\" Font=\"Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\New Package</FullName><ObjectType>Package</ObjectType><IsRunnable>False</IsRunnable><IsContainer>true</IsContainer></Info></Tag> <Nodes Text=\"Query Engine\" ImageKey=\"QueryEngine\" Expanded=\"true\" Font=\"Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\Query Engine</FullName><ObjectType>QueryEngine</ObjectType><IsRunnable>true</IsRunnable><IsTableEntity>true</IsTableEntity><IsCut>false</IsCut></Info></Tag> </Nodes> <Nodes Text=\"Connector\" ImageKey=\"Irion.SQLServer\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\Connector</FullName><ObjectType>DBConnection</ObjectType><IsCut>false</IsCut></Info></Tag> </Nodes> <Nodes Text=\"Connector Link\" ImageKey=\"DatabaseDatalink\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\Connector Link</FullName><ObjectType>DatabaseDatalink</ObjectType><IsRunnable>true</IsRunnable><IsTableEntity>true</IsTableEntity><IsCut>false</IsCut></Info></Tag> </Nodes> </Nodes></TreeView>";
this.radTreeView1.LoadXML(new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)));
//make sure that the following 2 nodes are bold:
this.radTreeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes[0].Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
this.radTreeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes[2].Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0);
var tvx = this.radTreeView1.TreeViewXml;
The XML returned by the tvx variable is different in 6.0 and 4.7.2. The Font for the node is serialized in 4.7.2:
But the font is missing in 6.0:
If the list separator for the culture is ";"
and you have nodes in RadTreeView that are bold, the following XML will be serialized:
var xml = "<TreeView xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" MultiSelect=\"true\" AllowDragDrop=\"true\" LabelEdit=\"true\" AllowDrop=\"true\"> <Nodes Text=\"New Package\" Expanded=\"true\" ImageKey=\"Package\" Font=\"Microsoft Sans Serif; 8,25pt; style=Bold\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\New Package</FullName><ObjectType>Package</ObjectType><IsRunnable>False</IsRunnable><IsContainer>true</IsContainer></Info></Tag> <Nodes Text=\"Query Engine\" ImageKey=\"QueryEngine\" Expanded=\"true\" Font=\"Microsoft Sans Serif; 8,25pt; style=Bold\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\Query Engine</FullName><ObjectType>QueryEngine</ObjectType><IsRunnable>true</IsRunnable><IsTableEntity>true</IsTableEntity><IsCut>false</IsCut></Info></Tag> </Nodes> <Nodes Text=\"Connector\" ImageKey=\"Irion.SQLServer\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\Connector</FullName><ObjectType>DBConnection</ObjectType><IsCut>false</IsCut></Info></Tag> </Nodes> <Nodes Text=\"Connector Link\" ImageKey=\"DatabaseDatalink\"> <Tag xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"><Info><FullName>\\Connector Link</FullName><ObjectType>DatabaseDatalink</ObjectType><IsRunnable>true</IsRunnable><IsTableEntity>true</IsTableEntity><IsCut>false</IsCut></Info></Tag> </Nodes> </Nodes></TreeView>";
However, if you try to load this layout on another machine where the list separator is "," the nodes wouldn't be bold:
Note: the problematic part is how the font is stored actually: "Microsoft Sans Serif; 8.25pt; style=Bold"Please use the attached sample project.
Result in 2021.1.326:
Result in 2021.2.511
Please refer to the following code snippet:
Dim root As New RadTreeNode()
root.Expanded = True
root.Text = "Root"
root.Name = "Root"
Dim telerikTreeNode = New RadTreeNode With
.Expanded = True,
.Name = "Child1",
.Text = "Child1",
.Tag = "test",
.Font = New Font("Arial", 12.0F, FontStyle.Regular)
For index = 2 To 5
Dim child As New RadTreeNode()
child.Text = "Child" & index
Currently we do not support binding to the ToggleState.Indeterminate state automatically because it would require a change in the behavior of the Checked property. If you use the CheckedMember, the ToggleState.Indeterminate state is represent like ToggleState.On. Workaround: Subscribe to the NodeFormatting and NodeCheckedChanged events: void radTreeView1_NodeFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.TreeNodeFormattingEventArgs e) { Child child = e.Node.DataBoundItem as Child; if (child != null) { e.Node.CheckState = child.Status; } } void radTreeView1_NodeCheckedChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.TreeNodeCheckedEventArgs e) { Child child = e.Node.DataBoundItem as Child; if (child != null) { child.Status = e.Node.CheckState; } }
1. Start WinAppDriver.exe
2. Open the attached sample solution
3. Click "Run all" tests
You will see that the test will not be able to locate any RadTreeNode elements located outside of the first parent node collection. Note that the test uses "FindElementByName("name")" method.
Please refer to the attached sample project and try to edit a node. In random situations the Node argument in the Edited event is null or points to a wrong data node:
I am using RadTreeView and setting FullRowSelect = false. This works for Windows7 them but doesn't work for Fluent theme.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Set SortOrder to Ascending
2. Rename a root node
If you have a node with a very long text that requires horizontal scrollbar and at the same time you have a many nodes which requires a vertical scrollbar in some border cases the long text of the node is cut off (with ellipsis).