The GetNodeByName method will return a node with the specified name
FIX. RadTreeView throws exception when node text is changed to empty string in bound mode
When the RadTreeView is not in full row select mode, the selected node crops its text.
If you add nodes to RadTreeView inside defer refresh using in the constructor of the form, the some of them appears with smaller font size.
Event and Sort(IComparer) method.
Make the editing behavior in RadTreeView to be similar as the one present in windows explorer tree
NodeMouseDown event is not fired when the image of the TreeNodeElement is clicked.
FIX. RadTreeView SelectedNodeChanged is fired even when you click outside the node with disabled FullRowSelect
The selection should not be cleared, when you start drag operation from any of the selected nodes in multi-selection.
Create a new project and add RadTreeView Handle the Click event Call the Close method of the Form when handling the Click event
In RadTreeView, the dragged node is not positioned at the right place, when you try to drop it before the target node.
When the RadTreeView is in edit mode, the top or bottom border of the editor is missing.
When you press the right mouse button twice the pointed node is expanded.
RadTreeView arrow keys navigation is not correct in RTL mode. It should expand with left key and collapse with right key (the opposite of normal mode)
Add some event i.e. NodeCheckedChanging in order to detect when a node check box is clicked. This state changing should be able to be canceled/
BUG. RadTreeView throws an exception when an object is being added and delete from its undelying BindingSource
RadTreeView does not refresh iteself after adding a node on a second level.
The background changes to white when clicking an item in RadTreeView and using Office 2010 theme.
There is a single pixel behind the vertical scrollbar in RadTreeView where the text of long tree nodes is visible.
The built-in drag-and-drop mechanism in RadTreeView should be revisited. Currently some events are not raised properly under certain conditions.