When you edit a cell of a GridDateTimeColumn which is near the screen bounds, a part of the RadDateTimeEditor's popup is outside these bounds. Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
When you do HTML text formatting of cell and its width is less than the text width, the cell bounds are overlapped.
In hierarchy grid when EnableAlternatingColor property is to true, the rows' background color in child GridViewTemplate is not alternated.
Cell value is not persisted when adding new row with down arrow and "add new row" position is at bottom
Subscribe to RowValidating event and cancel it by setting e.Cancel = true. When you try to add a new row, you are allowed to do so, although you should not be.
Export the Winforms' RadGridView to html file format.
Export the Winforms' RadGridView to cvs file format.
When New row is at the bottom and it is current and you try to submit a new record, the events RowValidating and CurrentRowChanged are not fired.
CellValidating and RowValidating events should fire always when closing an editor.
If the first column in a flat grid is a GridViewDateTimeColumn and you try to edit it by pressing '1' key without any mouse interaction, you get InvalidCastException.
The invisible columns are not shown in Column Chooser Form, when the form is shown before data binding with its data source.
The editor should not cover the table header or scrollbars when the cell is partially visible.
The last text line is cut off
The exception occurs only when AutoSizeRows is set to true and the binding code is inside the form's constructor.
When you have a parent-child relation in GridView and try to add a new row in the datasource programmatically, the new row does not appear in the child table. Note: At the first time the row is shown. If you try to add second new row, it does not appear in the grid.