When RadRadioButton column is bound to a column containing integer values and RadGridView is being reenabled all radio buttons are with ToggleState.On.
You need to create two manually generated columns and set the AutoSizeColumnsMode to GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill. If you set the MinWidth property of the first one and the MinWidth and MaxWidth properties of the second one, the columns do not fill the whole available space of RadGridView.
When you recalculate the value of the parent record in the ListChanged event of the BindingList, NullReferenceException is thrown.
Custom filtering for Enum types, TypeConverter support for business object bind to RadGridView
If grouping is applied, the cells of GridViewCheckBoxColumn are not updated after changing their values programatically.
If the NewRowEnterKeyMode value is EnterMovesToLastAddedRow and you press the Enter key to add a new row, this new row is added twice.
There are visual glitches when using RadGridView in column groups view and RightToLeft is set to true.
At design-time when you remove a RadGridView instance, its GridViewTemplate instances are not removed.
This happens after setting in property builder the RadGridViews', DataSource (containing more than one table).
When using textbox and grid bound to the same datasource, the grid should be updated automatically when the textbox loses focus
When using column groups view the last row is partially visible. Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
Set AutoSizeRows and WrapText to true. Start resizing the form. You will see that the cell size is wrong.
When constructing hierarchy with many nested levels (more that 2) at design time, the serialization fails.
If you change AutoSizeRows property's value from true to false, RadGridView's layout is not changed accordingly Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
The issue appears when there are two open child views.
When adding a new row with Enter key the RowValidating event fires as expected. However, you can not cancel the event.
When you create a column via RadGridView Property Builder, its unique name causes row filtering to not work. Issue addressed by RadGridView Q2 2010+ (version 2010.2.10.713+)
You cannot expand the last row on 2nd level, when the grid is in hierarchy mode.
If you set the HeaderText property of a specified column through grid property builder and re-open it, you will see that the HeaderText value is set to its default value instead of the empty string.