1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Bind it to a data source which contain a date-time column. 3. Enable the filtering and and enable the excel like filtering feature. 4. Run the project and open the filtering popup for the date-time column. You should see a popup with calendar.
There should be an option that allows users to change the column and row delimiters for the ExportToCSV.
Setting the FieldName of a column in the child template to "Products.Name" does not work properly.
I am executing the following code. Utilizing the debugger I know the code is only implemented once, and it works correctly at first but then at seemingly random intervals multiple rows will expand. I used modified code as well to first collapse all rows and then expand only the one with the matching ID field, but I get the same results.
Clearing and refreshing the rows in a data table bound to a RadComboBoxColumn causes problems in the RadGridView. The column's drop-down stops working and in some cases the entire grid has become unresponsive.
IMPROVE. RadExpressionEditorForm - one should be able to access the form and its controls in order to customize their appearance
To reproduce - Have a page view with two pages - one empty and one with a grid - put some cell in the grid in edit mode and cancel its validation in the CellValidating event - at this point you cannot change the current cell in the grid (which is desired) but you are able to switch to another page in the page view, thus its SelectedPageChanging event fires (which is not desired)
FIX. RadGridView - the TextAlignment property of GridViewHyperlinkColumn is not taken into consideration Reproduce: - add RadGridView private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'nwindDataSet.Customers' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.customersTableAdapter.Fill(this.nwindDataSet.Customers); DataColumn colContactName = nwindDataSet.Customers.Columns["ContactName"]; DataColumn colAddress = nwindDataSet.Customers.Columns["Address"]; this.radGridView1.Columns.Add(colContactName.ColumnName); this.radGridView1.Columns.Add(colAddress.ColumnName); this.radGridView1.Columns.Add(new GridViewHyperlinkColumn(colAddress.ColumnName + " Link")); this.radGridView1.Columns["Address"].TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; this.radGridView1.Columns["Address Link"].TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;// Different alignment between the two columns foreach (DataRow row in nwindDataSet.Customers.Rows) { this.radGridView1.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray[2], row.ItemArray[4], row.ItemArray[4]); } } Workaround: private void radGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { GridHyperlinkCellElement cell = e.CellElement as GridHyperlinkCellElement; if (cell != null) { cell.ContentElement.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; } }
1. Create a new project with RadGridView and bind it. 2. Setup 2 level grouping. 3. Add top summary row. 4. Set the ShowParentGroupSummaries property to true. 5. Run the project and expand a group. 6. Edit a cell from a column that has a summary item attached. 7. Notice that the parent summary row is not updated properly.
To reproduce: - use the code below to create an application - start it and click the Id column twice (so you will sort it first ascending and then descending) - double click the first row (with ID=9) => the BindingList current is still the row with ID 0, while it should be the row with ID 9 public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); SetDefaults(); } private void SetDefaults() { radGridView1.MasterTemplate.AutoGenerateColumns = false; radGridView1.MasterTemplate.AutoSizeColumnsMode = GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None; radGridView1.MasterTemplate.EnableAlternatingRowColor = true; radGridView1.TableElement.AlternatingRowColor = Color.FromArgb(0xEB, 0xEF, 0xFB); radGridView1.MasterTemplate.ShowGroupedColumns = true; radGridView1.MasterTemplate.EnableGrouping = true; radGridView1.MasterTemplate.MultiSelect = false; radGridView1.EnableFiltering = true; radGridView1.EnableFastScrolling = true; radGridView1.TableElement.TableHeaderHeight = 50; } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var users = new EmployeeList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var user = new Employee(); user.Id = i; user.Name = "John Doe " + i; users.Add(user); } employeeListBindingSource.DataSource = users; } private void radGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex == -1 || e.Row.RowElementType != typeof(GridDataRowElement) || !(e.Row is GridViewDataRowInfo)) return; var selectedUser = employeeListBindingSource.Current as Employee; MessageBox.Show(selectedUser.Name); } } public class Employee { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Employee() { } } public class EmployeeList : BindingList<Employee> { public EmployeeList() { } }
To reproduce: rgvTest.BeginUpdate() For ixTest As Integer = 1 To 2000 Dim rgvrTest As GridViewRowInfo = rgvTest.Rows.AddNew rgvrTest.Cells(0).Value = "Value " & ixTest.ToString Next rgvTest.EndUpdate() rgvTest.Rows(0).IsCurrent = True MessageBox.Show(rgvTest.CurrentCell.RowIndex.ToString)
1. Create a RadGridView and setup hierarchy. 2. Add a group descriptor and several rows in the child view so that when expanding it scrollbar appears. 3. Run the project and expand the first row (there should be only one row at first level and one group at second level).
1. Create a new project with RadGridView. 2. Bind it to a business object collection without rows. 3. Add a descending sort descriptor for a date time column. 4. Add a button and on its click event add a new row to the collection. The new row should have first column with data which produces different sort results than the date time column. 5. Run the project and add some rows.
To reproduce - bind the grid to a binding list - pin one of the rows - delete this row from the binding list - click somewhere on the grid => exception is thrown
Plese download the attached project and run it. It uses some of our internal data so plese keep it private. Once you get the GridView with the data do the following: 1. Click on "Mahine speed" Header to change sort order. 2. Open "Mahine speed" filter and deselect all and select 1 3. Open "Mahine speed" filter and deselect 1 and select 2 4. Open "Mahine speed" filter and deselect 2 and select 3 5. Open "Mahine speed" filter and deselect 3 and select 1 At this point you get the crash. The above steps are for you to be able to reproduce the issue,, in general terms, the issue happens if I reproduce the same steps in any Combobox column. This is causing crashes all along my project since most of the forms in my project are gridviews and users use a lot sorting and filtering to get to the needed data.
To reproduce use the code above and when the application starts double click the column in order to best fit it : RadGridView radGridView1 = new RadGridView(); this.Controls.Add(radGridView1); radGridView1.Columns.Add("some text"); radGridView1.HideSelection = true;
Allow drag and drop of rows, when RadGridView is in bound mode. Please refer to the following article demonstrating how to do that: http://www.telerik.com/help/winforms/gridview-rows-drag-and-drop.html
There should be a way to enable the auto filter functionality of Excel when exporting a grid through ExportToExcelML. To enable the AutoFilter for cells C1 to C4 on row 2: ExportToExcelML exporter = new ExportToExcelML(this.radGridView1); exporter.ExcelTableCreated += new ExcelTableCreatedEventHandler(exporter_ExcelTableCreated); exporter.RunExport(file.FullName); private void exporter_ExcelTableCreated(object sender, ExcelTableCreatedEventArgs e) { AutoFilterElement el = new AutoFilterElement(); el.Attributes.Add("x:Range", "R2C1:R2C4"); el.Attributes.Add("xmlns", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"); e.ExcelTableElement.Workbook.Worksheets[0].InnerElements.Add(el); } private class AutoFilterElement : Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.ExcelML.ElementBase { protected override string StartTag { get { return "<AutoFilter{0}>"; } } protected override string EndTag { get { return "</AutoFilter>"; } } }
Closing a form in CellDoubleClick event causes NullReferenceException in RadGridView.
When RadGridView is scrolled while selecting (SelectionMode is CellSelect), the control throws exception.