RadExpressionEditorForm to not close when the created expression is not valid.
Summary rows evaluation does not support custom aggregation expressions as Count(IIF(Result='Pass' ,1, Null))
Just wanted to request the ability to perform column filtering while the grid view is grouped by that column. Currently, if we wish to filter down the visible release versions, we are required to un-group by the given column, apply the filtering and then regroup by the given column. Not a huge usability issue, but would be great if the little filter icon was accessible while the column was group. Might be tough if excel-like filtering was not enabled. Just a suggestion.
It will be good if RadGridView can automatically (or by API) scroll to the child data in hierarchical grid right after the end-user expands a parent row.
We would like to use the expressions created using the GridView in some of our LINQ queries on the individual columns. Are we able to get the raw C# or LINQ expression format from the expression editor for the actual expression? What language does the expression essentailly compile to?
The current row selection mode highlights the current cell. A mode where the row is selected, but the current cell is not highlighted should be introduced (for example, "RowSelect" mode).
Improve RadGridViewDragDropService extensibility to perform visual drop indication over RadTreeView.
This way, one will be able to make sure that the expression is valid prior assigning it to the column
IMPROVE. RadExpressionEditorForm - add ability to be shown as modal form
There should be a way to determine if the row was deleted through the cell or row header context menu or by pressing the delete key.
In particular customers want to add a button showing the excel like filter popup.
The Expression Editor should be able to make expressions for a column in the parent template getting data from the child views.
ADD. RadGridView should support binding to IQuerable
We also have another grid (the Microsoft one) and in that one for resizing a vertical line is drawn to indicate the size of your column. Only when you release the mouse is the column actually resized. I think this is better for the performance of the grid. In the attachment you can see what I mean.
ADD. RadGridView - add support for self-reference hierarchy for child levels as well
Make possible users easily to change the behavior of replacing the null value with empty string. Workaround: DataTable table = new DataTable("table"); table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); DataColumn col = table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); col.AllowDBNull = false; col.DefaultValue = string.Empty; table.ColumnChanging += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(table_ColumnChanging); this.radGridView1.DataSource = table; private void table_ColumnChanging(object sender, DataColumnChangeEventArgs e) { if (!e.Column.AllowDBNull && (e.ProposedValue == DBNull.Value || e.ProposedValue == null) && e.Column.DataType == typeof(string)) { e.ProposedValue = string.Empty; } }
Consider the iTunes Artist mode grid http://www.telerik.com/forums/itunes-like-grid
Allow setting the CurrentColumn/CurrentCell in the RowValidaging event
IMPROVE. RadGridView - In hierarchy the excel-like filtering on child levels to show values only from the rows of the expanded row instead of all rows of the template.
Depending on when the ViewDefinition is applied RadGridView throws an exception or not