How to reproduce: Create a DPI-aware application and run it on a Windows 10 machine on 125%, the text inside the editors is smaller compared to the text in cells which are not in edit mode. Workaround: private void RadGridView1_CellEditorInitialized(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { BaseInputEditor editor = e.ActiveEditor as BaseInputEditor; if (editor != null) { RadTextBoxItem item = editor.EditorElement.FindDescendant<RadTextBoxItem>(); if (item != null) { item.HostedControl.Font = this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.GetScaledFont(this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.DpiScaleFactor.Height); } } }
Enable the ability to MERGE seperate rows (different records), like found in ITunes "Songs" mode where is shows the artwork (then artist,release undernearth) in a custom class, then the related song rows to the right. Your competitor Dev Express has it already in place. See youtube video here : Cheers
maskBoxColumn.FormatInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-AE");
In this scenario, the RadGridView.DataSource property is set to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ObservableCollectionListSource. When the RadGridView.Rows.Remove() method is called an IndexOutOfRange exception is thrown.
In this scenario, the Browsable(false) attribute is set to both properties which are used to create the self-referencing hierarchy. When the columns are predefined, running that application will freeze as the RadGridView could not correctly get the parent row. If the columns are auto-generated, this behavior is not observed.
This is not exactly a real solution as setting the Browsable(false) attribute will remove the properties from the source. However, the control should not freeze the application.
It appears that this scenario is not handled properly in our exporter. Consider the case where you have two templates that use view definition. The view definition from the second template is not exported at all.
To reproduce: - Add some rows to a grid. - Sort the rows. - Delete a row. - The current row is not the next row. Workaround: Dim t As Test = RadGridView1.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem Dim index As Integer = Me.RadGridView1.ChildRows.IndexOf(Me.RadGridView1.CurrentRow) datasource.Remove(t) Me.RadGridView1.CurrentRow = Me.RadGridView1.ChildRows(index)
Follow the steps:
1.Group by Description.
2. Expand the groups
3. Sort by Id
4. Try expanding the hierarchical level. You will notice that some of the rows disappear.
Please refer to the attached gif file illustrating the steps for replicating the issue.
Please find attached sample project having 2 different reference folder(Telerik2018,Telerik2020) for Telerik.
Code flow & Issue description: I have Event "radGridView1_EditorRequired" in which i have attached another event on value changed "Editor_ValueChanged" in which we get data gron DropdownListElement using ((RadDropDownListElement)(sender)).SelectedValue.
Issue is when we use version (2018.3.1016.40) we get selected value text, in case of current version (2020.1.218.40) we get null value.
Current version DLL 2020.1.218.40 (Issue in current version)
Previous version DLL 2018.3.1016.40 (Working fine)
Note : I have also attached both version of Telerik DLL in sample project, you can reproduce issue by referencing to 2020.1.218.40 version. After selecting values as shown in attached screenshot you will get null value as shown in another screenshot.
Please find attached screenshot for selecting values to reproduce issue as well where we get null value.
Thanks and Regards
To reproduce: please refer to the attached sample project and gif file. Workaround: use the CellFormatting event and apply the light orange BackColor for the selected cells belonging to the current pinned column: private void radGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.IsSelected && e.Column.IsCurrent) { e.CellElement.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 231, 174); } else { e.CellElement.ResetValue(LightVisualElement.BackColorProperty, ValueResetFlags.Local); } }