Save and load layout to work in all view definitions.
Enable the ability to MERGE seperate rows (different records), like found in ITunes "Songs" mode where is shows the artwork (then artist,release undernearth) in a custom class, then the related song rows to the right. Your competitor Dev Express has it already in place. See youtube video here : Cheers
A title or caption that can be positioned on the top or bottom of RadGridView that shows a text defined by developer.
1. Drag a RadGridView to a form and dock it to fill the form. 2. Create and set a ColumnGroupsViewDefinition to the grid 3. Add data and run the project. 4. Resize the form and you will see that grid view layout would not look properly. Also if your resize a column group only the first column in the group is resized while all others retain their widths. Work around: void radGridView1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.InvalidateGridLayout(); } private void InvalidateGridLayout() { this.bllGridView1.TableElement.ViewElement.RowLayout.InvalidateLayout(); this.bllGridView1.TableElement.InvalidateMeasure(true); this.bllGridView1.TableElement.UpdateLayout(); }
When columns are reorder by the user RadGridView should persist these settings through the Save/LoadLayout routines.
Add a Card view layout.
Sorting of RadGridView slows down its performance when the control is used in self-reference hierarchy mode.
When UseCompatibleTextRendering property is set to false, the data cells overlaps the row header cells when horizontal scrolling is performed.
WORKAROUND: The format of the file that ExportToExcelML creates is ExcelML which is an extended XML. If you do not want to receive the message, you have to change the extension of the file to ".xml". Even though the file will have an xml extension, it will still be associated with MS Excel and will be opened by Excel.There is a possibility to turn this warning message off on the client machine. You can read more about that on the following blog post - Excel 2007 Extension Warning On Opening Excel Workbook from a Web Site ( Another workaround is to use Interop to open the file and excel and save it in XLSX format. However, this would require Administrator or Power User ( A reference from COM to the corresponding office version should be added. Here is the code for saving: ExportToExcelML exporter = new ExportToExcelML(this.radGridView1); exporter.ExportVisualSettings = true; string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath(); tempPath += "tempgrid.xls"; exporter.RunExport(tempPath); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); if (app == null) { Console.WriteLine("EXCEL could not be started. Check that your office installation and project references are correct."); return; } app.Visible = false; app.Interactive = false; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = app.Workbooks.Open(tempPath); string desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); desktopPath += "\\grid.xlsx"; wb.SaveAs(desktopPath, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookDefault); wb.Close(); app.Quit(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wb); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(app); File.Delete(tempPath);
There should be a fit mode which allows one to print a RadGridView on two pages.
Load-On-Demand - full lazy mode support
On the form load, the grid is loaded with three parts. Upon refresh, the buttons call a method which generates the same data table but with some additional parts - to simulate a data refresh. Button 1 - Refresh Data - This button calls a method that operates the same as detailed initially in the ticket; it utilizes the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods around the updating of the grid. This replicates the scenario I initially described where message boxes are fired stating "Column 'xxx' does not belong to table 'fileSystem'.". Button 2 - Refresh Data 2 - This button calls a method that is modified as suggested - the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods have been removed and the DataSource is set directly. Button 3 - Clear Data - This button is meant to simply clear the data from the grid. It only attempts to set the DataSource property to Nothing.
Stack Overflow Exception in the CellValueNeeded Event after sorting when RowIndex, ColumnIndex arguments is used
IMPROVE. RadGridView - add the current selection and the new selection to the SelectionChanging event.
The Property Builder of RadGridView makes unnecessary Designer modifications, causing checkouts in source controlled files. For example, if you have a gridViewCheckBoxColumn1 stored in the designer file, you open the Property Builder and close it (no matter if you make any changes or not), the gridViewCheckBoxColumn1 is removed in favour of gridViewCheckBoxColumn2 that is automatically created.
Saving a form with RadGridView produces the following error at design time: Code generation for property "PrintCellPaint" failed. We isolated the following steps which reproduce the issue: 1. Drag and drop RadPageView on the form. Add 2 pages. 2. Add a RadGridView to one of the pages. 3. Saved and opened the form. 4. Select the other page and save the form. case #1: If the grid is empty - Code generation for property 'PrintCellPaint' failed. Error was: 'Object does not match type.' case #2: If the grid is data bound - Code generation for property 'PropertyChanging' failed. Error was: 'Object does not match type.' The same errors if you use RadDock with tabbed documents.
The scenario which should be covered is selecting some data from Excel and pasting in the new row of RadGridView. This is an easy way for inserting data in the grid.
Add similar like DateColumn.DateTimeMode property for GridViewDateTimeColumn. Link in MSDN:
ADD. RadGridView - add support for self-reference hierarchy for child levels as well
steps to reproduce: 1- Apply filter in a date column by choosing Between. 2- Leave default settings (change dates) and confirm 3- Save layout 4- Close the form 5- Open the form and load the layout forum: