Sorting of RadGridView slows down its performance when the control is used in self-reference hierarchy mode.
FIX. RadGridView does not accept newly entered values when the form is being hidden and shown again.
FIX. RadGridView - reloading the datasource with auto size columns mode to fill and hidden row header column, causes the first column to expand of every data source setting with one pixel
If current culture uses comma as delimeter, the MS Excel cannot handle the decimal values in a right way.
Assigning a custom type convertor to the column's DateTypeConvertor property does not work as expected.
Curently ExportToExcelML does not support DateTimeOffset types
When you set the data source of the grid to null in self-reference hierarchy, the exception has been thrown.
BestFitColumn does not calculate the size of the first column in self-referencing appropriately. Also if you perform the operation twice, the expander signs will disappear.
When exporting to excel through ExportToExcelML class, Guid type values are not exported.
The ScrollToRow method is not working in hierarchy with tabbed child views
Load-On-Demand self-reference hierarchy provider
The issue appears when the RadGridView control has several columns, some of the have fixed size (equal MinWidth and MaxWidth) and AutoSizeColumnsMode is Fill. The size of the not-fixed columns is calculated differently with each rebinding of the control.
FIX. RadGridView - allowing row reorder on the first level of hierarchy (template[0]) results in visual representation of the reordering while no actual reordering is performed.
Relation is defined in DataSet bound to RadGridView control
Excel-like filtering throws an exception if there is a combo-box column, which contains values of types System.DBNull
ADD. RadGridView add functionality to support the NOT operator while filtering i.e Not Starts With, Not Equals etc
ADD. Paging functionality for RadGridView.
RadGridView crashes when it is in AutoSizeRows rows and a third level hierarchy cell is edited.
When the AddNewBoundRowBeforeEdit property of GridViewTemplate is enabled, the properties of the underline business object are not set, while the GridViewNewRowInfo is edited.
If you delete rows of the active view in tabbed child hierarchy, the new tab should be selected and the old tab should become invisible.