Added rows are lost in the following scenario of unbound RadGridView: 1. Setup master template; 2. Add rows to the master template; 3. Setup child template.
This happens when using custom object relational hierarchy
The MinHeight property of group rows is not considered when the control is in AutoSizeRows mode.
After a couple clicks, grid's context menu becomes unresponsive when using RadGridView through remote connection and Windows 7
1. Create a new project and add RadGridView 2. Setup a column groups view 3. Set the ShowHeader property to false for one of the column groups 4. Set also the PinPosition to Left for the same column group 5. Run the project
In hierarchical mode, when a filtering cell is edited and expanded row appear, the cell closes its editor.
IMPROVE. RadGridView - AllowFiltering property for a column, should hide its filter operator text
When applying a filter to RadGridView, there is inconsistency between underlying data source current row and grid's current row.
There is wrong current row selection for bound RadGridView, when using AddNew and ResetBindings methods on same BindingSource.
The current row of the control cannot be set to 'null' if RadGridView contains no data rows. The 'new' row remains current.
One should be able to remove the grouping by dropping a group item on a grid row.
The layout of the cell image is not correct if the cell has wide border and the height of the row is not sufficient to display the image and the border. The issue appears only after the initial loading of the control.
If you sort a column by performing mouse left button click and open the excel-like filtering dialog, ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.
RadGridView should be able to create new rows using objects with properties matching the FieldNames of the control's columns.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a RadGridView so that it contains enough rows to have a vertical and/or horizontal scroll bar. 2. Select a cell in the RadGridView. 3. Left mouse click (and hold) whilst scrolling the scrollbar, 'accidentally' hover over a new row/cell. 4. This causes the row to be highlighted (as per screenshot).
The vertical scrollbar of RadGridView does not recalculate correctly when the control has expanded hierarchical rows and the MasterTemplate sorting is changed.
Generating hierarchy with related objects is not working properly. There are no items in second level.
Changing ThemeName of the context menu control in the ContextMenuOpening event handler should apply the new theme to the menu.
The combobox column should get its value according to its DisplayMember property
Drag and drop of columns to the Column Chooser and columns reordering do not work in ColumnGroupsViewDefinition.