The display member for empty string value in GridViewComboBoxColumn is not displayed. The following code reproduces the issue: GridViewComboBoxColumn cboInsRslCd = new GridViewComboBoxColumn(); cboInsRslCd.DataType = typeof(string); List<ItemComboBox> liste = new List<ItemComboBox>(); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("", "[None]")); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("A", "A")); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("B", "B")); liste.Add(new ItemComboBox("C", "C")); cboInsRslCd.DataSource = liste; cboInsRslCd.ValueMember = "CleItem"; cboInsRslCd.DisplayMember = "ValeurItem"; cboInsRslCd.NullValue = "[None]"; this.radGridView1.Columns.Add(cboInsRslCd); WORKAROUND: subscribe to the CellEndEdit event and change the stored value in the event handler: private void RadGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.Value == null) { e.Row.Cells[e.Column.Name].Value = ""; } }
Improve editors in RadGridView by allowing clipping when the control is scrolled.
Column Chooser form's BackColor cannot be set trough Theme.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Addd a numeric (decimal) column to a grid 2. Enable filtering 3. Select 'Greater Than' filter 4. Enter '0' in the Spin Editor that appears You will see that no filtering occurs. Enter any other digit instead of 0 and filtering is performed.
Steps to reproduce: 1) Add RadGridView control 2) Add GridViewTextBoxColumn 2) Enable filtering: this.radGridView1.EnableFiltering = true; 3) Programmatically set filter descriptor: FilterDescriptor filter = new FilterDescriptor(); filter.PropertyName = "TextBoxColumn"; filter.Operator = FilterOperator.IsEqualTo; filter.IsFilterEditor = true; this.radGridView1.FilterDescriptors.Add(filter); Expected result: the default FilterDescriptor is changed from Contains to IsEqual Actual result: can not set the default FilterDescriptor from Contains to IsEqual operator to a TextBoxColumn Workaround: private void OnFilterExpressionChanged(object sender, FilterExpressionChangedEventArgs e) { GridViewTemplate owner = sender as GridViewTemplate; List<string> filterExpressions = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < owner.FilterDescriptors.Count; i++) { FilterDescriptor descriptor = owner.FilterDescriptors[i]; string expression = null; CompositeFilterDescriptor compositeFilterDescriptor = descriptor as CompositeFilterDescriptor; if (compositeFilterDescriptor != null) { foreach (FilterDescriptor filterDescriptor in compositeFilterDescriptor.FilterDescriptors) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterDescriptor.PropertyName) || owner.Columns[filterDescriptor.PropertyName] == null) { continue; } } expression = CompositeFilterDescriptor.GetCompositeExpression(compositeFilterDescriptor); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptor.PropertyName) || owner.Columns[descriptor.PropertyName] == null) { continue; } if (descriptor.Value == null && (descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsNotEqualTo || descriptor.Operator == FilterOperator.IsEqualTo)) { expression = string.Empty; } else { expression = descriptor.Expression; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expression)) { filterExpressions.Add(expression); } } string logicalOperator = (owner.FilterDescriptors.LogicalOperator == FilterLogicalOperator.And) ? " AND " : " OR "; string resultExpression = String.Join(logicalOperator, filterExpressions.ToArray()); e.FilterExpression = resultExpression; }
GridView “decimal column - Current value “500”- Input “” Scenario case: 1. Approaching to the target cell by “Mouse click directly on the input cell” then key in “” and Enter à Display “500” as original value2. Approaching to target cell by “Tab or moving cursor to input cell” then key in “” and Enter à Display “1” as only display the first input digit only
Scrolling when column reorder is performed does not work in hierarchy mode.
Just to let you know that if I load the layout into a gridview before the initial data load the formatting of some cells does not work. Please refer to the attached example. Simply changing the two lines of code will work around the issue. If the data is reloaded afterwards by means of the third button, the problem does not reoccur. So it's a matter of loading data before loading a layout for the first time. Workaround: set the DataSource after the layout is loaded
Steps to reproduce: 1) Add RadGridView control 2) Use GridViewDecimalColumn: DataTable customDataTable = new DataTable(); sampleDataTable.Columns.Add("Column name", typeof(double)); 3) Set the right-to-left property of the control to true: this.radGridView1.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes; 4) Set the following CellElement properties using CellFormatting event: void radGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.CellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.CellElement is GridDataCellElement) { e.CellElement.RightToLeft = false; } } 5) Re-size the form manually until the horizontal scroll-bar disappears 6) Resize a GridHeaderCellElement in left direction and you will notice that the GridDataCellElements from this columns are resized to the right direction Whenever I'm trying to expand any column the header expands as expected but the column itself is expanding in the other direction so the headers and columns content are not aligned. Expected result: expand the column content properly Actual result: the GridDataCellElements from this columns are expanding incorrectly
Steps to reproduce: 1) Add RadGridView control 2) Use GridViewDecimalColumn: DataTable customDataTable = new DataTable(); sampleDataTable.Columns.Add("Column name", typeof(double)); 3) Set the right-to-left property of the control to true: this.radGridView1.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes; 4) Re-size the form manually until horizontal scroll-bar appears and you will notice that the left border is missing Expected result: the left border of the GridRowHeaderCellElement is visible Actual result: the left border of the GridRowHeaderCellElement is missing Workaround: this.radGridView1.ViewCellFormatting +=new CellFormattingEventHandler(radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting); void radGridView1_ViewCellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.CellElement is GridRowHeaderCellElement) { e.CellElement.BorderLeftWidth = 3; } }
ADD. RadGridView - add AutoSizeRows functionality in HtmlViewDefinition
“Missing data after apply Object-Relational filtering operation” as in the attached, also capture case simulation in video file to illustrate how the case happen to support your investigation. Scenario case: · Expand Parent Data 2 à will see child data level (child data 2.1.1, child data 2.1.2, child data 2.1.3) · Filter child data that contains value = input “2.1.4” (mismatch case filter)· Current Result : Not show all 3 child data and cannot get it back to display again In this case, normally how the component handle this “not found filtering result” case, is it normal to display result like this? If so please help recommend how we can get 3 child data back for doing any further process.
Improve RadGridView API by allowing user to set styles for all rows and columns through styles as Microsoft DataGridView. Expose the following properties: - ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle - RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle - RowsDefaultCellStyle - DefaultCellStyle
You should use the ticket project in order to reproduce the issue.
Currently developers can localize the names of the properties. They should be able to localize the descriptions as well.
Improve localization of invalid parameter messages and Item text in Conditional Formatting Form of RadGridView.
exception is thrown when the ListChanged event send ItemChanged notification before ItemAdded
If you change the RadGridView in design-time by property builder, the smart tag disappears after closing the builder.
A child row does not appear in the view by using following code snippet: GridViewRowInfo^ pNewRow = pTemplate->Rows->AddNew(); pNewRow->Cells["ChildNameColumn"]->Value = this->ChildTextBox->Text; int count = radGridView1->ChildRows->Count; pNewRow->Cells["ChildAddressColumn"]->Value = count.ToString() Workaround: add new rows in the following manner: private: System::Void button2_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { // add child row GridViewTemplate^ pTemplate = radGridView1->MasterTemplate->Templates[0]; GridViewRowInfo^ pNewRow = pTemplate->Rows->NewRow(); pNewRow->Cells["ChildNameColumn"]->Value = this->ChildTextBox->Text; int count = radGridView1->ChildRows->Count; pNewRow->Cells["ChildAddressColumn"]->Value = count.ToString(); pTemplate->Rows->Add(pNewRow); }